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Locost Cad Models
Rickard_5 - 8/7/02 at 02:19 AM

Hi does anyone have a cad drawing of the locost chassis in the book, if so could I get a copy I am using autocad 2000 and would like to find a model of the chassis in the Champion Book to do some FEA from

Dick Axtell - 8/7/02 at 07:28 AM

Hi Rick,

Just tried to send you a zipped AutoCAD file of book-version chassis drawings. However, got back an error message - "File too big" - it's 514kb!!
I'll try to post it here, after I've found out how & where.

Dick Axtell

ChrisW - 13/7/02 at 12:03 PM


I can give you a temporary FTP login and password if you want to upload it here. I can then link it to the site for ppl to download if you want them to!

Let me know - 2 min job to setup.


Dick Axtell - 13/7/02 at 04:58 PM

Hi Chris,

Thanks for the message. I'd be happy to upload these drawings, although I must make it clear that they are not mine. Found them last year via an old (and long-forgotten) message on TOL.

Will zipped form be ok?
