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Selling avon!
soggy 3 - 22/6/08 at 11:52 AM

It looks like i will be selling my avon
It still isnt 100% finished but a couple of good weekends and an sva book handy would see it ready for a pass.
It needs a speedo pickup fitting, a couple of electric probs fixed,and the carbs could do with setting up properly once passed the sva, the other jobs are just finishing off and setting up jobs.
So the question im am asking is what should i sell it for?
It will be a bit gut wrenching to sell it but i have barely managed to touch it in the last year and dont see that it will get on the road this year if i dont sell.
Any thoughts?

Paul TigerB6 - 22/6/08 at 01:03 PM

If its that close to being SVA ready why dont you see it out on the road this year?? You'll take a big loss through selling a part-built, no matter how close it is, as opposed to a freshly SVA'd and registered car!!

fideel109 - 23/6/08 at 05:23 PM

It's a pitty to sell such a beautiful build car, you didn't even enjoy it.
I would say, finish it and enjoy it.

soggy 3 - 25/6/08 at 05:33 PM

I do see where you are coming from and i on a bit more thought i will do what ever i can to finish it as yes it would be good to at least have some fun in it.
But it will have to be sold this year as the wife has been moaning about it a bit as its just been sat doing nothing and she wants a new car! (new shoes more likely).
I had a bit of a play yesterday and the fuel gauge reads full all the time i switched the wires over but no difference,i took the sender out and had a look but nothing difference

soggy 3 - 21/9/08 at 12:32 PM

Its in the for sale section now.