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VIN Number rules
nib1980 - 13/8/07 at 01:10 PM

Hi all,

following on from the last post. Does anyone know the rules in VIN numbers? I know what I'd like to use but what letters / numbers can/ cannot you use?

many thanks

02GF74 - 13/8/07 at 01:44 PM

I do but don't have the information at hand.

The VIN is made up of letters and numbers, minium of 9, maximum of 17.

All numbers are allowed.

Some letters (the bit I cannot recall) are not; I think I, Q and Z are not but I may be wrong.

Interestingly zero and O are but how do the DVLA people know which one I used??? (I used both in my VIN).

graememk - 13/8/07 at 01:46 PM

are youusing peterborough dvla ?

nib1980 - 13/8/07 at 02:21 PM

Originally posted by graememk
are youusing peterborough dvla ?

nope northampton

BenB - 13/8/07 at 02:30 PM

Have they definitely said that you can make up your own VIN number? Some like to choose it for you (even if they can't do much if you've already chosen one short of winge and make registration difficult).

nib1980 - 13/8/07 at 02:34 PM

Originally posted by BenB
Have they definitely said that you can make up your own VIN number? Some like to choose it for you (even if they can't do much if you've already chosen one short of winge and make registration difficult).

well thats what the lady at swansea said. if not howelse to i get one?

BenB - 13/8/07 at 02:49 PM

I'd try and speak to someone who has had experience of your chosen DVLA office.... Some do prefer to give you your number (or at the very least want notification during the build-up process).

Mine (Borehamwood + Elstree) kicked up one hell of a fuss and tried to make me change it (because it didn't have the normal number of digits even if legally it was fine under EU regs). They suggested I'd have to change the VIN and then re-SVA because the MAC would no longer apply.... but then that was a thoroughly stupid person I had the misfortune to speak to.....

Swansea make the rules but the local offices interpret them. B+E even got pissy because I hadn't submitted the build-up report + asked for an inspection prior to SVA....

Have you got the full name of the person @ DVLA Swansea who said this... It doesn't take much to persuade the local offices theyr'e talking BS.... Otherwise it might be worth trying to get it in writing....

nib1980 - 13/8/07 at 02:58 PM

Originally posted by BenB
I'd try and speak to someone who has had experience of your chosen DVLA office.... Some do prefer to give you your number (or at the very least want notification during the build-up process).

Mine (Borehamwood + Elstree) kicked up one hell of a fuss and tried to make me change it (because it didn't have the normal number of digits even if legally it was fine under EU regs). They suggested I'd have to change the VIN and then re-SVA because the MAC would no longer apply.... but then that was a thoroughly stupid person I had the misfortune to speak to.....

Swansea make the rules but the local offices interpret them. B+E even got pissy because I hadn't submitted the build-up report + asked for an inspection prior to SVA....

Have you got the full name of the person @ DVLA Swansea who said this... It doesn't take much to persuade the local offices theyr'e talking BS.... Otherwise it might be worth trying to get it in writing....

Nope just chris, but how will I get a VIN without registering the car which I can't do without a MAC which I can't get without a VIN. see the problem?

this is gonna get right on my xyz's before long.

BenB - 13/8/07 at 03:07 PM

@ some offices you have to toddle along to the DVLA local office. Say "I'm about to put my car through SVA, can I have a VIN number please" and they'll look out the window for half-an-hour waiting for inspiration before giving you a number. Or, at the very least you have to fall to the ground and say

"oh great masters of bureaucratic ignorance, please may this votif offering of a VIN number be acceptable do your great buffoonery"

to which they may nod in your direction.

Or you can just make up your own VIN number, put the car through SVA, hand them all the paperwork and watch them make all kinds of painful looking faces for a few weeks whilst they work out what they get paid to do...... and then get shirty with them when they decide they'd rather pretend your registration request never happened....

Admittedly my view of DVLA offices is rather biased, I had what at best could be described as a frustrating experience....

nib1980 - 13/8/07 at 03:14 PM

stuff it I'll go to the local office friday afternoon and find out what they say.

I suspect this is going to be easier.

slim Jim - 13/8/07 at 04:21 PM

I used the Northampton DVLA office and to say they aren't the brightest bunch in some cases is being kind!

I made up my own VIN and that was fine they never questioned it at all - I did use all 17 characters and no 1's, I's, Z's or o's but I did use Zeros's.

I did have to be quite pushy with them as they were not forthcoming about the whole thing and I did not contact them at all until after SVA. I just turned up straight from my SVA with my MAC, V55, build up list and insurance and paid that day for the registration and tax disc.......and left with nothing. I went back the next day to give them a prod and managed to speak to someone who understood I wanted an inspection got that booked. I took the car down next day to have someone look at it for 5 seconds and say "all seems ok, paper work will be ready in the next couple of days" I actually picked it up that afternoon.....SVA'd wednesday and reg plate on by Saturday mornign.

It did not seem too bad - although I came away feeling that if I had not seen them face to face a couple of times I would be here a month later still waiting!

They are not too bad but I did feel that you have to push them for everyhting otherwise it feels like nothing will ever happen!

BenB - 13/8/07 at 06:46 PM

Yes, a little gentle proding seems to go a long way... in my case an official complaint finally did the trick.....

pif - 13/8/07 at 06:47 PM

make up your VIN as you like. 1's and i's are the same i think. the more unique the better. if you think that it may be used by someone else ring swansea and check. \\\\\\must be 17 digits and a mix of numbers and letters and nothing obcene. \\fill in sva paperwork using that number and get your mac 1 on that number. while waiting for sva date get local dvla to arrange ( you to them or them out to you) vehicle inspection. by time sva comes and you pass dvla part will be much easier.


[Edited on 13/8/07 by pif]

02GF74 - 15/8/07 at 06:54 AM

Originally posted by pif
\\\must be 17 digits and a mix of numbers and letters and nothing obcene.

No, sorry but that ^^^^^ is wrong. The mimiumum is 9. Mines is 13 by the way should you require proof.

I am not sure about the 1/I.