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Spring rates
mike4444244 - 13/1/07 at 04:28 PM

Hello all,
about to order my shocks and springs, am going for gaz dampers cos theyre cheap, the question is, what rate springs should i be looking for? The car is a standardish book chassis but has 3.5 rover v8 and autobox, sierra irs back end and uses MK indy wishbones and uprights on the back. I ralise i'll probably need to try different set ups but what would be a good ballpark to start with? Its only going to be used for shortish runs and the odd trackday, so would like to be biased towards handling/speed rather than wallowy comfort

ChrisGamlin - 13/1/07 at 09:29 PM

You say "standardish book" but the important bit will be how you've done your suspension.

The problems is unless your wishbones are the same length and your damper / wishbone pickup points are the same position as other people's cars then a comparison is pretty meaningless unfortunately, even if they have an otherwise similar car.

If you've used standard book pickup points on the front then Im sure there are enough people around to give you some figures, but you might have to go more with a guestimate on the back unless all your pickup points are the same as an Indy

[Edited on 13/1/07 by ChrisGamlin]

simes43 - 17/1/07 at 10:30 AM

I would recommend using AVO instead of Gaz.

The Gaz build quality has been very poor recently.

NS Dev - 17/1/07 at 12:28 PM

Well, I would recommend giving MNR a call for some Protech shocks, they are not much more expensive than either AVO or Gaz and they are more nicely made and aluminium so save some weight too.

As for spring rates, difficult to say, but if you have NO idea at all, 275lb front and 200lb rear would possibly be a good starting point with the weight of the autobox (normally rears would be nearer 150lb)

mike4444244 - 17/1/07 at 05:07 PM

Thanks i was looking for a ballpark figure just to get the car rolling, i'll fine tune it later when its finished
Was considering the protech ones, they look well made and dare i say it slightly bling