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A small step for manking...
slopecombat - 17/6/07 at 10:52 PM

... but grat for my locost.

We will see what happens notching at different angles in the front wishbones making.


mangogrooveworkshop - 17/6/07 at 11:07 PM

If you use a fine tooth cutter it will not jump as much

Use some lube on it to keep the heat down as to avoid killing the cutter

[Edited on 18-6-07 by mangogrooveworkshop]

slopecombat - 18/6/07 at 12:41 AM

Yes, you are right ,with this one all the screws and nuts go crazy !



short track 123 - 18/6/07 at 06:07 AM

Nice Job......
What speed did you run the drill at?

slopecombat - 18/6/07 at 10:58 AM

1220 rpm. But as the cutter's tooth size I don't know if this is the best option.

In fact I have to cut a few cm of the tube end (==0= and not ==c) because I cannot maintain the tube fixed.

I am sure that good results would be obtained with more suitable cutter and speed.

Minicooper - 18/6/07 at 11:09 AM

Make a jig and hold the ends secure, even you get them absolutely square off the cutter they will move when you try to weld them


[Edited on 18/6/07 by Minicooper]

slopecombat - 18/6/07 at 03:26 PM

Thanks David, I'll do it.

