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F1 recording (last race)
jimbona2 - 30/10/07 at 05:05 PM

hi everyone,
has anyone got a copy of the last f1 race in brazil i think it was?
i had to work that weekend so I didnt get the chance to watch it and although I know the result (muppet) i wana see the action unfold!


speedyxjs - 30/10/07 at 05:35 PM

Try here

jimbona2 - 30/10/07 at 06:45 PM

thanks for that but last time I downloaded a torrent i had to reformat my hard drive due to viruses and all that..
so if anyones got it another format then I would appreciate it

welderman - 30/10/07 at 06:57 PM

will check my hdd, might still have it.

jimbona2 - 30/10/07 at 07:12 PM

great, thanks.

welderman - 31/10/07 at 04:13 PM

sorry, its been delited, put connfessions of BILLY PIPER thingy over it.

jolson - 31/10/07 at 06:48 PM

I've still got a copy on my hard drive (which is big enough for F1 AND Billy Piper!). U2U me and we'll sort out the details.
