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Bearing press near Swindon?
jamesbond007ltk - 28/5/12 at 10:06 AM

Hi All,

Following on from this thread regarding problems I had with my focus, I have replaced the damaged stub axle but continued to have problems with noisey wheel bearings.

The shop have now sent out replacement wheel bearings, this time BRT, so a manufacturer I have heard of before and am happier with compared to whatever they supplied before.

Problem is I had no means of pressing the old ones out and the new ones in. As much as I'd love to add to my tool collection and go get a 10-tonne press I can hardly justify the expense for two wheel bearings!!

Can anyone recommend somewhere in or near Swindon that I could get this done?

Current plan is to take just the hubs and new bearings somewhere in GF's car to minimise garage costs.

Thanks in advance
