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Crackling MP3's in Itunes
donut - 9/10/06 at 04:17 PM

When playing my music in itunes i hear clicks and crackles. I have played tracks in Windows media player and they are perfik?!?!

Anyone else had similar problems?

chockymonster - 9/10/06 at 05:28 PM

That's one of the reasons I stopped using i-tunes to manage my Ipod. I now use anapod from redchairsoftware, it's that good I bought it!

donut - 9/10/06 at 05:57 PM

What were the other reasons?

chockymonster - 9/10/06 at 06:19 PM

I can manage multiple ipods with it, stream music over the web and do loads of other cool stuff.

Full list of features is here

donut - 9/10/06 at 06:23 PM

I have downloaded the trial software but can't seem to get it to work?????

donut - 9/10/06 at 06:41 PM

OK got it working but it's not a player as such, it just organises tracks. Not really any help

miserableoldgit - 9/10/06 at 09:02 PM

If you are getting clicks and cackles its time to change the needle!