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Megasquirt acceleration enrichments
omega0684 - 11/5/09 at 04:13 PM

went out for a blast this afternoon and noticed that when i accelerate hard the AFR gauge on my megatune screen just goes straight into the lean area of the gauge sometimes maxing out at 20:1, is this down to the acceleration enrichments how do i go about adjusting them.

brianthemagical - 11/5/09 at 04:40 PM

Are you sure your fueling is correct, and i'd only find out once and never make itthat lean agin, even if it means not driving, it's a recipe for disaster.

Just drive nice and slow with low throttles for a bit, see how that fairs, make sure the fueling os ok for light throttle, then when they're sorted move on to the AE wizard.

What load method are you using?

matnrach - 11/5/09 at 09:39 PM

I use MAP related enrichment with an engine that has MAP for load control.

I tried throttle rate as the input for accel enrichment but it was much worse.

My experience with throttle body injection (on a siamesed inlet ported engine) that has large amounts of wall wetting is that you need a high value of enrichment for a very short time. A low value for a long time does not fix the initial transient enleanment and then makes it very rich afterwards.