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Just having a moan.
Peteff - 22/8/02 at 11:15 AM

I haven't put my car on the road this year but I've been starting it in the shed occasionally and the other day after it had been running a while I tried to put it into first. It wouldn't go in so I blipped the throttle, pushed harder and it went in, leapt forward a yard and knocked my bike over, splitting the nosecone at the same time. Good news is it freed the clutch though. Doh!!. looks like time to get back in the shed .

yours, Pete.

Metal Hippy™ - 22/8/02 at 01:50 PM

Whoopsie daisy.

Looks like my signature is relevant to you aswell....

merlin - 22/8/02 at 04:42 PM

and mine!

johnston - 22/8/02 at 10:06 PM

been there done that except i tried stickin my mk1 escy through my grans hedge

bsilly - 15/9/02 at 06:40 PM

done that too, into bathroom wall. throttle stuck aswell. 3.5l v8 4x4