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Mel Smith dies..
pewe - 20/7/13 at 02:25 PM

Aged 60 of a heart attack.
Get the bucket list out and start working through it.
RIP Mel and thanks for the memories.
Sadly Pewe10

britishtrident - 20/7/13 at 02:34 PM

Jings.............................................................. :-(

Litemoth - 20/7/13 at 03:18 PM

mookaloid - 20/7/13 at 03:44 PM

Now that's sad

Mel will be missed.

clanger - 20/7/13 at 03:48 PM

always liked his "colin's sandwich" series. brilliant..........

Volvorsport - 20/7/13 at 04:32 PM

how come ive read this here and not the nine o'clock news...............

scudderfish - 20/7/13 at 05:07 PM

Wild? I was absolutely livid!

T66 - 20/7/13 at 07:06 PM

Classic entertainment....

coozer - 20/7/13 at 09:16 PM

Sad but I wont miss him as much as my mate I held as he breathed his last this week...

pewe - 21/7/13 at 03:45 PM

Coozer, condolences.
There really isn't any other reply.
Having lost a few of the oldies it's never easy, in fact it's really tough.
Condolences doesn't even begin to cover it.
My take is that if they've had a good life and passed on without too much pain or suffering that's good - but even that's a lottery.
If I visit the Crem at St Mary's one more time I'll be due a season ticket!
Now where was I on the bucket list?