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Rover Immobiliser
liam.mccaffrey - 13/12/05 at 09:15 PM

can the lucas Immobiliser from a rover 200(10 AS or 5 AS???????) be used in another car say, a locost, providing you have all matched components.

i am using an emerald ecu and i know that its compatable with the rover immobiliser

Liam Mc

rayward - 13/12/05 at 10:37 PM

think it depends on the model, the later ones were matched to the ECU, have some wiring diagrams for the Rover "Security ECU" as they call it, give me a shout if they're any use to you and i'll dig them out.

liam.mccaffrey - 13/12/05 at 11:12 PM

i know that on at least some rovers with k series the emerald can use and learn the Immobiliser functions. the emerald is plug compatible with the mems system.

might come in handy rayward will bear it in mind, many thanks

stressy - 14/12/05 at 12:31 PM

Generally the standard rover ECU's are matched top recongnise the signature signal fro its corresponding lUCAS 5AS unit. I think the emerald basically is plug compatible as you say with the LUCAS and just looks for A signature signal to be present but not a specific one. I could be wrong tho, at the moment im still stuck with the MEMS!

Daniel350 - 10/1/07 at 08:21 AM

Does anyone have the wiring diagram of the 5AS unit as I would prefer to just get rid of the unit altogether? Also from other sites it appears to only arm when the drivers door is shut. How will this be affected if the car has no doors or interior lights or cetral locking?