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question to you all from my girlfriend
cct7kitcars - 1/7/06 at 01:33 PM

she wants to know why we are so mad about the locost seven??????

JoelP - 1/7/06 at 01:39 PM

we're not, i think its crap.

the truth is, we all love building stuff and driving fast.

jollygreengiant - 1/7/06 at 01:46 PM

Originally posted by cct7kitcars
she wants to know why we are so mad about the locost seven??????

B*gg%r I thought I was making a giant choclate chip cookie.

MikeR - 1/7/06 at 01:52 PM

when she's explained the attraction of handbags and shoes then we'll explain the attraction of sevens!

James - 1/7/06 at 02:22 PM

When I started I didn't particularly like the Seven. For me it was just about the building.

I've come to appreciate it now but not aesthetically as much as some super cars.


UncleFista - 1/7/06 at 02:27 PM

I'm not sure whether I'm representative of men in general but I love machinery that's designed for a purpose with as little compromise as possible, which kinda sums up the 7
It's basically an engine with as little extraneous stuff as possible

theconrodkid - 1/7/06 at 02:45 PM

its cos we can,why are women so keen to have kids?

zetec - 1/7/06 at 03:56 PM

It's the buzz of driving fast, front of the pack and all that old tosh. Second I earn a living sitting in front of a PC so nice to get away and make something.

Blokes talk about then do, women just talk!

Fozzie - 1/7/06 at 04:04 PM

Jeeze!...... I really do NOT believe what some of you are saying here!
What sheltered/blinkered lives you lead........

cct7 if she has to ask a question like that, then she is obviously not a petrolhead, and no amount of explanations will make her understand........


scutter - 1/7/06 at 04:06 PM

As said by Zetec, there's a buzz from driving one, a great satisfaction from building one whether from a kit or from scratch and everyone looks at you

John I like having kids, well for the first 3 mins it takes for them to get here( including smoke).

Fozzie, I think petrolheads really like them because they run rich when you start them. (what a smell do you think crossflows would run on Castrol R:cool

ATB Dan.

[Edited on 1/7/06 by scutter]

Fozzie - 1/7/06 at 04:29 PM

Mmmmm Castrol R........
Trouble with that would be that everyone else would get the 'perfume' but not the driver.....
Just think, a new bottled perfume/aftershave....L'eau de CastrolR...... I would buy a bottle! or 10....

macspeedy - 1/7/06 at 04:53 PM

i'd thought it was a bit of a chick magnet

ch1ll1 - 1/7/06 at 05:07 PM

cause its better than hand bags !

dilley - 1/7/06 at 05:45 PM

Its simple its the only time you can tell her that you didnt here the phone ring when she tried to call, Its not a lie neither.

Then I tell her that because its only got a small tank I have to some times ride out a bit furthe than normal to find the nearest petrol station!!

dl_peabody - 1/7/06 at 05:58 PM

Lets see....

Open air driving, wind in your hair, sun on your face, maybe a friend or female beside you shaing the experience (GF or Wife).

Locost affordable fun....performamce that only big money can buy...and the satisfaction of knowing that you did it yourself. Built with your own hands (maybe with the help of a mate or a few friends). Changing the design or personalizing it to your desire.

The act of creation is empowering. Any body can go to a lot and buy a car but it is a rare person that can BUILD theeir own.

miserableoldgit - 1/7/06 at 06:45 PM

They don't come in PINK.

bigbravedave - 1/7/06 at 08:35 PM

personally, I rekon my inner child was deprived of Blue Peter and is making up for it know, I need to re-fullfill the excitement of wating for my mum to finish the washing up bottle by spending months searching ebay for bits to make a bigger toy car

SixedUp - 1/7/06 at 08:49 PM

Originally posted by cct7kitcars
she wants to know why we are so mad about the locost seven??????

(a) Because, for the money, its difficult to find something faster, and as she should well know, we set great store on speed
(b) You measure the boy by the size of his toys, and, as we all know, he who dies with the most toys wins
(c) Its cheaper (and a whole lot easier to organise) than a mistress
(d) We seem to lack the "shopping for shoes and handbags" gene ...

I could go on all night, but there's a can of Stella in the fridge, calling out "drink me, drink me ... !"


owelly - 1/7/06 at 09:54 PM

I don't like them. I don't even have one.
I'll get my coat.............................