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degree classification
trogdor - 28/6/07 at 01:52 PM

along the same lines of flak monkey i now have my degree classification

i got a 2.1 in master of oceanography, (which is what i was hoping for) was four years of pretty hard work, was strange finishing, its wierd not having any thing left to do. seemed so long ago when i started.

twybrow - 28/6/07 at 01:59 PM

Well done. 2:1 is the way to go...!

CAD Monkey - 28/6/07 at 02:19 PM

Well done, I only managed a 2:2, but due to personal circumstances I was chuffed. The weird thing is that I've never been asked what classification I got....

fesycresy - 28/6/07 at 02:22 PM

I could have had a first

fesycresy - 28/6/07 at 02:22 PM

But I was too thick

pathfinder - 28/6/07 at 02:41 PM

Good work fella, go have a summer of fun before you become a slave to the wage.

joneh - 28/6/07 at 02:52 PM

I'd get the ap handed in at McDonalds before Flak beats you to it!

liam.mccaffrey - 28/6/07 at 02:59 PM

well done chaps, you derserve it

i also have never been asked what classification i got

worX - 28/6/07 at 03:31 PM

I could have had a first

worX - 28/6/07 at 03:31 PM

but they kicked me off the course

les - 28/6/07 at 03:55 PM

i could have had a first. . . . . .

les - 28/6/07 at 03:56 PM

but i drank too much during the course!!

JoelP - 28/6/07 at 04:12 PM

^similar story to me, except i managed to get a smelly third.

jollygreengiant - 28/6/07 at 04:45 PM

Well done mate.

Confused but excited. - 28/6/07 at 05:58 PM

Well done!
" nothing left to do"?
Build a boat?