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coozer - 5/7/07 at 12:43 PM

Anyone going to see the mighty Metallica this weekend?

I don't mean the pathetic earth thing on Saturday but the proper gig on Sunday. how can expend so much energy building and powering a stage at wembley and say its to help save the planet??? MAD MAD MAD...

I'll be there Sunday with me 'Locostbuilders R us' flag....

CAD Monkey - 5/7/07 at 01:13 PM

I was desparate to see them but couldn't get it sorted - mainly due to cashflow!

Last saw them on the Load tour - fuggin' awesome!

coozer - 5/7/07 at 01:43 PM

Got to be a bargain... I was amazed to see a blanket ticket price of £40.

Really looking forward to it

CAD Monkey - 5/7/07 at 01:57 PM

Thanks for that...

orbital - 5/7/07 at 05:10 PM

Originally posted by coozer
I don't mean the pathetic earth thing on Saturday but the proper gig on Sunday. how can expend so much energy building and powering a stage at wembley and say its to help save the planet??? MAD MAD MAD...

You could say that about any gig couldn't you? A big waste of energy. This gig has a point to it at least wouldn't you say?

Don't get me wrong I hate it when we get these multi millionaires preaching to us from a stage for an hour at a time only to jump into there Humvee for the trip home. But the core value to the concert is a good one and if it raises awareness as it seems it will then that will be a good thing.



PhilCross66 - 5/7/07 at 09:09 PM

Isn't live earth arranged by Al Gore.
I find it hard to listen to a man telling me about global warming when he lives in a ranch with more rooms than I have teeth. A ranch that consumes more energy per month than the average American household consumes per year.
His wife Tippa Gore, once head of the Parents Music Resource Centre (PMRC). In the 80's and early 90's they set out to be the voice of the “moral majority”, and to introduce censorship and guidance to music. Which meant they went on a crusade against various bands that they didn't like backed by their senator husbands.
To me Al Gore is a hypocrite married to a woman who tried to destroy the music I love with his help.
Im sorry but I think the only thing he wants to raise awareness of is himself ready for next years presidential elections

CliveM - 6/7/07 at 07:08 AM

I'll be there too.... can't wait. Its been several years since I saw them live.
Where are people going from.... me and mates driving from Liverpool!

mcerd1 - 6/7/07 at 07:41 AM

Metalica - No Thanks

I'll be at T in the Park on Sunday and Saturday and Today

orbital - 6/7/07 at 11:22 AM

I've only just got the mud out me crevices from Glastonbury Talk about rain! I hope it stays dry for you mate



coozer - 9/7/07 at 06:28 PM

Just got back from last nights gig and all I can say is THEY ROCKED! Some say they are washed up and old, but boy, can they make a noise and pull in a crowd!!

Excellent show that was VERY loud and even though the support band Him got booed off we still had a great day. Nice warm dry day to top it off.

The new Wembley stadium is very, very impressive and HUGE to say the least. Dead easy to get into, out of, and around. Plenty of nettys and lots of legroom. A massive improvement on the old place.

I'm also gald to have contributed several hundred pounds to the local economy. Superb night out in Camden Town Saturday night but disappointed not be able to get a drink or some food in Paddington after midnight.

I'd post a picture but there's no browse button on here at the moment.....


Coose - 9/7/07 at 08:16 PM

Originally posted by PhilCross66
Isn't live earth arranged by Al Gore.
I find it hard to listen to a man telling me about global warming when he lives in a ranch with more rooms than I have teeth. A ranch that consumes more energy per month than the average American household consumes per year.
His wife Tippa Gore, once head of the Parents Music Resource Centre (PMRC). In the 80's and early 90's they set out to be the voice of the “moral majority”, and to introduce censorship and guidance to music. Which meant they went on a crusade against various bands that they didn't like backed by their senator husbands.
To me Al Gore is a hypocrite married to a woman who tried to destroy the music I love with his help.
Im sorry but I think the only thing he wants to raise awareness of is himself ready for next years presidential elections

Well, I didn't know that about his missus! In my youth I was a big fan of W.A.S.P. (the only fan!?! ), who did what they could to undermine the PRMC...

'Er indoors watched most of Live Earth, and the more I saw the more I began to rant. And I was sober too!

Except for the decent bands playing (Metallica, Food Fighters, Spinal Tap) it all seemed like self-righteous self-indulgence! The BBC coverage was utterly dreadful too, but not quite as dreadful as the headline act....

orbital - 9/7/07 at 08:47 PM


welderman - 10/7/07 at 03:57 PM

WASP, if i remember, my mate was into this lot, my fave song was BLIND IN TEXAS, i can still hum some of the words and the start of the base guitar was fantastic.
Lead singer had circular blades on his arms too as cuff links if memory still holds out.

Coose - 10/7/07 at 04:02 PM

Yep, that's them!

You have to bear in mind that it was the mid-80's and I was 15 after all....

orbital - 10/7/07 at 08:11 PM

Can anyone remember Rat? I used to listen to one of there albums while I was "pumpin iron" (I was about 17 at the time). Maaaan what arse crisp I was back then

welderman - 10/7/07 at 09:06 PM

Originally posted by Coose
Yep, that's them!

You have to bear in mind that it was the mid-80's and I was 15 after all....

makes two of us