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Browser - 12/7/07 at 11:53 AM

No, that's rowing as in Sir Steve Redgrave et al, not being shouted at by the missus
I've always wanted to have a go, never done owt about it, but e-mailed Peterborough City Rowing Club and asked how to go about learning, to be told a new beginners course had started last Saturday but I could come down Wednesday as it ran both days, so I did and it was brill! Caught several crabs, got in other people's way, damn near capsized a few times but because I was in a training scull with pontoons at each end of the rigger meant that I was saved a ducking. By the end of the evening I was managing to get the sequence right, almost always remebering to keep my arms straight at the beginning of the power stroke and having a blummin' good larf!
Next time I go the very pleasant chappie instructing us said he'd like me to dispense with the pontoons as due to me being a fat basket the scull was quite low in the water and they were dragging and causing the boat to pull left or right. This plus my inability to balance that is.
To cap it all it was a sunny evening and as I was on my way down the lake a Spitfire flew overhead. Can't wait to go again!

Hammerhead - 12/7/07 at 12:37 PM



I've been rowing for 15 years now. Started sculling when I was sixteen and progress to row eights, coxless pairs and 4-.

It's a great sport, very demanding but also a good social sport. I have been to plenty of great parties at peterboring rowing club.

The best thing is all the women in very tight lycra

CAD Monkey - 12/7/07 at 01:07 PM

I second Hammerhead!

I used to scull at school - haven't done it for years though, it was always a laugh.

Athletic women in tight lycra is always a bonus, but even now I have to be careful at the gym not to laugh out loud at the Bum-Shoving and other hilarious styles that people have for using the ergo's.

The only downside for me was rowing at Marlow there was a massive level of snobbery which I can't stand - got to visit Leander as an ex-mate of mine used to be a member but again snobbery seemed rife.

Hope you keep enjoying it.

worX - 12/7/07 at 01:25 PM

I sculled for a while when an Ex was a cox and I loved it, but I fell in SO BLOODY MUCH!!!

Still, whats a bit of Weil's Disease when you're doing something you love. right?!


BenB - 12/7/07 at 01:36 PM

Yup. 'nother rower here. Sculled and fours @ school then first year university stroked the first 8. Only trouble was 6 days a week training combined with full-on medical studies didn't leave much time for the important things in life
Shame though....

CAD Monkey - 12/7/07 at 01:46 PM

Originally posted by BenB
first year university stroked the first 8.

I really shouldn't find that funny...

But I do!!

I really am a 29 year old boy!!

[Edited on 12/7/07 by CAD Monkey]

martyn_16v - 12/7/07 at 08:02 PM

I too am laughing my tits off at the childish innuendo, SWMBO is sat next to me wondering what the f' i'm laughing at

Another ex-rower here, actually I was a cox (phnaar phnaaaaar) until I crashed the fours into Putney bridge in a regatta. Still, at least I didn't actually sink a boat, something my successor managed

After that we were just left to sort ourselves out while the coach went off down the river with the squad, so we used to have a pleasant little pootle up and down past Kingston in a double and then sod off early. I do miss school sometimes

[Edited on 12/7/07 by martyn_16v]