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40 years old today
dave1888 - 5/10/07 at 10:03 PM

Thats it bye bye thirties hello forties. Life begins at forty so they say and the first thing i am going to do is sell the incomplete Cat E1. Full spec will be posted saturday morning if anyone is interested u2u.

[Edited on 6/10/2007 by dave1888]

BenB - 5/10/07 at 10:05 PM

You'll regret it by the time you're 40 years and 1 day old

It's in the blood!!!

dave1888 - 5/10/07 at 10:08 PM

It has broke my heart too many times. it has to go.

Hellfire - 5/10/07 at 10:15 PM

They also say it's downhill from 40... you'll be needing the Cat E1 to protect your sanity!!!


Scoob - 5/10/07 at 10:20 PM

Happy bday for then, another year closer to the big 50

locoboy - 5/10/07 at 10:21 PM

Dave were you at donnington this year?

trialsman - 5/10/07 at 10:56 PM

Youngster! I just turned 57 tuesday and don't feel a day over 80. Congrats, Russ

Fatgadget - 5/10/07 at 11:10 PM

Life begins at 40.

slopecombat - 6/10/07 at 12:17 AM

You can say, as sings Joan Manuel Serrat:

Fa vint anys que tinc vint anys

( I have been having twenty years for twenty years )



[Edited on 6/10/2007 by slopecombat]

[Edited on 6/10/2007 by slopecombat]

worX - 6/10/07 at 12:43 AM

So it's happy 40th for now onwards then!!!


LBMEFM - 6/10/07 at 05:12 AM

You wait until fifty. Hair grows from places where it never used too, but stops growing from places where it should. Joints that were soft become stiff and bits in the lower regions that used to become stiff stay soft. Oh well at least the bloody kids are slowly leaving home. Barry

LBMEFM - 6/10/07 at 05:16 AM

You wait until fifty, hair now grows in places where it never used too, yet does not grow in places where it should anymore. Joints become stiff, yet lower members of the body no longer get so stiff. Oh well at least the kids are slowly leaving home. Barry

LBMEFM - 6/10/07 at 05:21 AM

And there is somthing else about being over fifty, you forget what the hell you are doing and send two nearly identicle replies. Do you think they have MK's in heaven/hell

thunderace - 6/10/07 at 07:39 AM

god im 40 next year
i remember turning 30 and being it a downer for about 6 weeks i felt so old gave my mrs a bad time moaning about it.
now i dont give a toss who cares how old you are its all in your head im still around 22 im mine so my mrs says grow up is her war cry .act your aged
got you a cake

[Edited on 6/10/07 by thunderace]

Ivan - 6/10/07 at 07:42 AM

Been there, done that, got the tee shirt and the beads, beard, bell bottoms, Woodstock LP and all

It's been great - 50's the best time of my life - retired at 52 to enjoy my wife, Cobra and 7 build

dave1888 - 6/10/07 at 10:07 AM

Thank you for the kind and sincere words John.

mangogrooveworkshop - 6/10/07 at 10:34 AM

The mangogroveworkshop is empty and ready for action.
failing that give you 50 pence

speedyxjs - 6/10/07 at 12:53 PM

This thread is making me feel better about being 21 next month

SeaBass - 6/10/07 at 02:07 PM

Happy Birthday Dave,

I'm trying to help too - but seem to be hindering after my last cock up...

As I said last night - get it on the road then think about selling it!

I keep thinking of selling mine to fund other projects but when I take a blast out it brings me to my senses.


[Edited on 6/10/07 by SeaBass]

mangogrooveworkshop - 12/10/07 at 05:04 AM

Originally posted by SeaBass
Happy Birthday Dave,

I'm trying to help too - but seem to be hindering after my last cock up...

As I said last night - get it on the road then think about selling it!

I keep thinking of selling mine to fund other projects but when I take a blast out it brings me to my senses.


[Edited on 6/10/07 by SeaBass]

Mirror mirror on the wall Seabass`s welding is the best of all

wilkingj - 12/10/07 at 12:35 PM

Happy Birthday...

Dont WASTE your time / life.
I'm 54 pushing 55.
I can't retire, one lad in 2nd year at uni, the outher just announced he wants a foundation year before going to uni.
Cant afford to retire yet

Oh Well... the Viento IS my Mid Life Crisis. (Well built from the crisis!)

Get on and do things and go places... You may not be able to later.

My dad was in a wheelchair at 35 with Multiple Sclerosis.
My Father in law had to retire early (Haematomochrosis) and cant do much and is almost blind.

Oh.. me.. I had Guillian Barre Syndrome 13 years ago, and never really recovered from it. Well not fully. for those that may be interested. I breathed in toxic / blue green Algae from pressure washing my drive. So wear a facemask if using one of these evil tools. You dont know what your throwing up in the water mist, and then breathing in.
Rare case, I grant you, but has buggerd me up for the last 13 years.

Life can throw some right shitty stuff at you. So do what you can as soon as you can.

That goes for ALL of you reading this.
Dont wait until its too late.

Hope all is OK for your day.