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Cars, trikes, bikes and ...
slopecombat - 15/10/07 at 11:46 PM


speedyxjs - 16/10/07 at 06:23 AM

WOW il bet that took some practice

RazMan - 16/10/07 at 07:00 AM

Certainly saves on tyre wear

TimC - 16/10/07 at 07:01 AM

A good mate of mine is ex-welsh trials champ and I've seen him do some similarly awesome stuff.

He's now gone to pedal power and is racing in Elite Downhill all over Europe and beyond.

Top bloke - lots of scars.

blakep82 - 16/10/07 at 07:31 AM

wow, motorised unicycle!

Peteff - 16/10/07 at 08:28 AM

We watched the indoor trials at the NEC a few years ago and one of the riders did the course on a BMX bike after the display. It was unbelievable how far they jumped from a standstill.

roadrunner - 16/10/07 at 05:48 PM

Clever sod