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Silencer: which way round?
robertst - 17/8/14 at 08:59 AM

Hi all,

It's been a while since i've last posted here, hopefully this year i finish the car and get it ready to be IVA'd. Anyway, i've come up to a bit of a dilemma when mounting the silencer i just bought. Inside it has some sort of "openings" which i guess the exhaust fumes go into and get "silenced" but i dont know whether they should face into the direction of the exhaust or the other way around.

Check out these pics so u can see what i mean:

Pic A:


Pic B:


If i mount it like in pic B, i guess there will be less turbulence in the exhaust flow but a part of me tells me mounting it like in Pic A will be better in silencing.

Its a cherry bomb silencer btw

Any help appreciated

Many thanks

bi22le - 17/8/14 at 01:15 PM

I dont know the answer but my stab in the dark is direction B. Turbulence will dampen the harmonic wave that creates the noise but will keep the flow unrestricted.

rusty nuts - 17/8/14 at 08:16 PM

Cherry Bomb silencers don't tend to be too good at silencing IMHO

robertst - 17/8/14 at 09:38 PM

Originally posted by bi22le
I dont know the answer but my stab in the dark is direction B. Turbulence will dampen the harmonic wave that creates the noise but will keep the flow unrestricted.

Interesting... Ill give option b a shot first see how it goes. Thanks!

@rusty nuts: yeah! Might as well have a nice rorty sounding locost, maybe ill fit in a db killer ser if that gets it beliw 100db for iva, if not a used silencer from a vw that will eventually fall of misteriously

ste - 14/5/17 at 10:04 AM

I'm in the same boat.

Does anyone have an answer as I need to weld mine in so cannot swap it round later
