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fuel lines
bsilly - 28/10/02 at 05:03 PM

now ready for fuel lines, could i use 10mm rubber from tank through tunnel to pump or should middle section be metal? any ideas

David Jenkins - 28/10/02 at 07:25 PM

Whatever takes your fancy!

If you read the book by Carroll Smith, the racing car designer/builder, he won't have any metal tube 'cos it may fracture. Others won't have copper pipe because it's supposed to get filled with gunge.

It truth, in a road car, use whatever is appropriate to your build - metal tube is unlikely to fracture outside of a race car (and many people use it), and from the little research I've done, copper pipe only gunges up if you continuously use really poor quality petrol with too much sulphur in it (which you won't find in the UK, unless you're VERY unlucky).

I've used 8mm i.d. rubber fuel hose on my car, simply because it was easier to fit it down the tunnel with the engine and gearbox fitted!



bsilly - 28/10/02 at 07:37 PM

thats what i probaly do. its only 7ft approx, but will sva man fail it. engine an box an prop in now all enclosed tunnel.

theconrodkid - 28/10/02 at 07:41 PM

i used the hard plastic stuf ford used on the mk 2 and cortina 3 also fiat use it on uno and panda,indistructable and easy to bend with a little heat

bsilly - 28/10/02 at 07:50 PM

back down the scrappy then to tip over some fiats

theconrodkid - 28/10/02 at 08:16 PM

on the uno they run under the seats inside,you find this out when welding plates on underneath

bsilly - 28/10/02 at 08:46 PM

done that too on an avenger. it ruined the carpets

theconrodkid - 29/10/02 at 07:54 PM

did that on a capri,ruined my undies

bsilly - 29/10/02 at 08:07 PM

now realise i need 8mm not 10mm. and 6mm for return. gunna do both in rubber from tank to carb. dont want to do another topic but any clue to type of petrol for 1.6 pinto, 1991. they dont have 4star anymore with proper lead in.

david walker - 30/10/02 at 08:27 PM

The 1.6 Pinto of circa 1991 will be the "E Max" engine. It has small bore, long stroke (2.0 crank in fact). Power to weight is pretty poor but it's your choice so OK.

All engines made from '88 have to be able to run on unleaded so your E Max, like the injection 2.0 Pintos will have hardened seats already.

bsilly - 30/10/02 at 09:38 PM

thats odd cos its got no markings on it to showw unleaded ie something on the block near to pot 4. according t haynes bible its not the emax?? but unleaded i will use . until i find fireblade for £££cheap. power to weight ? it was poo off wood when it lived with its dad . thanks anyway david

david walker - 30/10/02 at 09:58 PM

Sorry but the old Cortina type 1600 Pinto ceased to exist in '84. The only 1600 Pinto to appear in the Sierra after that was the E-Max, which saw service until Sierra production ended. - There were also a few 1600 CVH Sierras produced from about 91 to 93, but different thing altogether of course.

As for the stampings that Ford put on blocks and heads to identify type etc, I can tell you that they are very irregular in doing this. Sometimes they are there and sometimes not.

Best of luck with it and to be fair power output of the E-Max was about same as its "squarer" engined predecessor - about 75bhp.

bsilly - 30/10/02 at 10:11 PM

well you live and learn, i guunna try unleade d any how . see how it goes. do you have a couple of gallon spare mister.