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oil shower
joscorstjens - 12/3/07 at 11:09 PM

Hi, I just got an oil shower from my pinto engine. The engine was running for the first time and when it was heating up, it suddenly started p*ssing out oil, like a shower. By the time I shut down the engine, there was a big puddle of oil on the floor. (Still enough oil in the engine though, so no seizure risks.) As far as I can tell the leak must come from the oil filter joint which doesn't appear to be fully 'flat'; possibly I overtightened the filter. Surprising how high the oil pressure can be when you get it all over you(on the oil pressure meter it only reached 35 psi)! Could some internal channel be blocked? Any other reason for such a pressure build up? Is there any other possible cause I should look for?
The whole motor compartment is a terrible mess, so I want to be sure that this will not happen again.
tia for your help

blueshift - 12/3/07 at 11:27 PM

do you have a crankcase breather? is it blanked off?

thomas4age - 12/3/07 at 11:37 PM

just thinking out loud here.

Have you got a remote filter set-up or a sandwhich plate to an oil cooler?

somebody in the toyota corner once put it on the wrong way and installed door type filter, he had presure buildup and the filter came off, problem was that the filter prevented oil to enter the engine, and he ruined it before the first meter was drivven....

otherwise it's probably crankcase ventilation as suggested

grtz Thomas

nitram38 - 13/3/07 at 05:57 AM

Could be just the oil sealing ring on the filter?
Make sure that you take this off the filter, smear both sides of the ring with oil then refit. Might help?

britishtrident - 13/3/07 at 07:35 AM

Sounds like the filter is cross threaded

russbost - 13/3/07 at 08:07 AM

If the oil pressure relief valve has stuck shut it would do just what you've described, but in which case I would expect to see at least 70 psi, possibly much higher. My suspiscion would be simply that the filter has been overtightened (they don't need to be all that tight, about 3/4 of a turn once the seal is in contact) & has squashed the seal out of the side.

Howlor - 13/3/07 at 08:24 AM

Just another point I can think of, do you have the shortened sump? If so have you filled the oil to the book level? in which case it will be overfilled.


02GF74 - 13/3/07 at 08:27 AM

it is difficult to say without knowing all the detials or seeing.

is the fitler the corret one? is oil pump good and pressure relieve spring know to be good? if filter faulty?

I';d be very surprise if crankcase ventilation would cause that sort of pressure - and even if it was at fault, why wuoud it cause oil to come out at the oil filter interface?

any chance the sealing ring popper out of its seat?

I know when I ws messing with my landrover (v8, removte oil filter, I notice that with the engine running, the oil filter was much harder to turn that with it not - I can only guess that the oil pressure was forcing the filter on tighter) - you only need to do it up hand tight.

britishtrident - 13/3/07 at 11:16 AM

Originally posted by russbost
If the oil pressure relief valve has stuck shut it would do just what you've described, but in which case I would expect to see at least 70 psi, possibly much higher. My suspiscion would be simply that the filter has been overtightened (they don't need to be all that tight, about 3/4 of a turn once the seal is in contact) & has squashed the seal out of the side.

Usually if the relief valve sticks at cold next start the outer can of filter will blow clean off like mortar shell leaving the screw on base. --- This frightened the hell out one Commer/Dodge PB van owner I knew as on the these vans with old Rootes 1725cc engine the oil filter is directly aimed at the drivers seat !

davie h - 13/3/07 at 12:01 PM

i had a fiat brava that did the exact same thing ran ok for a few seconds and then sprayed oil everywhere from the filter. turned out to be the pressure relief valve which was stuck in the oilpump housing this was causing the pressure to go sky high and was pushing the oil filter seal out the side between the block and the filter

DarrenW - 13/3/07 at 12:06 PM

I know of a BECer that experienced the filter unscrewing itself when on the road - not a pretty experience.

joscorstjens - 13/3/07 at 10:59 PM

In the mean time I discovered that on the oil filter I had two seals stacked on top of each other. So, most likely, that will be the cause .... I hope. Thanks for the responses.

nitram38 - 13/3/07 at 11:04 PM

Originally posted by joscorstjens
In the mean time I discovered that on the oil filter I had two seals stacked on top of each other. So, most likely, that will be the cause .... I hope. Thanks for the responses.


02GF74 - 14/3/07 at 09:05 AM

Originally posted by joscorstjens
In the mean time I discovered that on the oil filter I had two seals stacked on top of each other. So, most likely, that will be the cause .... I hope. Thanks for the responses.

no doubt about it! easu to fix too

... how on earth did you manage that? did the old ring stick to the housing and you did not notice????!??!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

joscorstjens - 14/3/07 at 11:49 PM

very yes indeed