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Author: Subject: bike engine

posted on 25/12/02 at 10:28 PM Reply With Quote
bike engine

i must say this about bec ,as a bike rider myself yes i love bikes and the way they are, use a bike engine in a kit car sounds a good idea but..if you like to be revving the nuts out of the engine to make it go half quick,then fine cos thats what youll need to be doing.not very good for road use,plus how long do you think the bike engines will last pushing all that weight??and my god the price of parts for the newer bike engines will scare you to

luego-lo-cost finished,vauxhall 16v 2.0,twin 45s de-dion rear set up

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posted on 26/12/02 at 12:46 PM Reply With Quote
Billy, I am building virtually the same spec car as you according to your signature, and I wish that I had gone the BEC route now, because if nothing else it would of already be on the road now, with the same power to weight ratio, if not more, for less money.
A BEC is a lot more single minded, but reliability wise, if my old BEC race car is anything to go by, will last as well, if not longer than a car engine.
Yes, parts prices can be a bit extreme, but that has to be weighed against the fact that you dont need bits very often.

When I have finished my Locost, my Westy is getting a M/C engine. Bets of both worlds then....

Dont just build it.....make it!

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posted on 27/12/02 at 12:02 AM Reply With Quote
wow seems like there are three of us now with the same spec.
i have found a very neat donor for the de dion tube if you are interested.
i think i will go for tb's though.
what is the general opinion on dave walkers emerald ecu cos it cirtaily seems reasonable and he gets good power out of a k series.
also does anyone know how much the qed direct tb's are and what are you doing for an exhaust manifold.

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Jon Ison

posted on 27/12/02 at 01:15 AM Reply With Quote
billy.........oh billy, you need a ride in a BEC, 16v vauxh power gr8 stuff good solid engine, but your gonna have to spend more dosh than the cost of a standerd bike motor to keep up...

done 4k road miles with no probs, n wots all this gotta rev the ...... of em to make em go????? i can pull top gear, 30mph uphill two up, try b4 u buy..... price of spares ????

come on, if the worst comes to the worst how much is a complete 2nd hand motor ?, less than a set o steel rods......

unless youv'e spent £££££££k's on your motor the BEC guy will wave on his way by........ "make it go 1/2 quick" ??? explain ???......oh guess thats why they where banned from the 1700cc kit car class, cos they was mobile chicanes, oh no i remember now, the little buggers where thrashin £10k k serie's motors......not bad is it 1/2 quick....

there guess i'll get slated 4 it but its true i'm afraid

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