posted on 21/2/06 at 09:57 PM |
Which kit?
Hi, Im not sure im posting in the right place but please point me in the right direction if i am not.
Anyway, im looking to build a kit car in the near future but am having difficulty finding the right one for me. Could anyone suggest something i could
look at that fits my criteria (if there is anyhting that does).
- Cost under 10k all in (pref nearer the 5k mark)
- ideally powered by a honda car engine, K20a or at least a B16a
- Some kind of enclosed roof, solid or cloth type.
- Modern looking, im not overly keen on the 7 type design although i wouldnt completely rule out something like this.
- simpleish step by step to build as i have very little mechanical knowledge (oil and filter changes is about as far as it goes) and would ideally
like to finsh the build within a year.
The nearest thing to this i have come across is the Dominator TS420 but this did not have any roof at all and cost 8K as a rolling chassis (im
guessing this is everything included bar the engine and gearbox?) and 12.5k for a turn key factory built car, so was also a bit too expensive.
Jon Ison
posted on 21/2/06 at 10:09 PM |
I think the best advice, well mine anyway would be get yourself too some shows and checkout whats on offer in the flesh, there are always plenty of
built cars for sale at shows too, been an hair in the wind freak cant give any advice on anything that as a roof.
posted on 21/2/06 at 11:00 PM |
I'd just echo what Jon says. Get yourself along to some of the kitcar shows this year and have a good look around before deciding. Totalkitcar
Live at Oulton Park on Saturday 25th March.
PS - Have you considered or thought about Bike engine power 
posted on 21/2/06 at 11:12 PM |
Thanks for the replies
hellfire, I have considered a bike engine, 12000+rpm redline sounds very appealing, however, since im hoping to use it as a semi-everyday car i didnt
think think they where as useable for this. Are they as easy to work on as car engines and is there a issue with the amount of low down torque?
posted on 21/2/06 at 11:33 PM |
If you could use a bike everyday (given the weather), I'm sure you could live with a BEC that has weather protection. Depends exactly what you
want to use it for though.
Personally, I reckon they're easier to work on than most car engines. Everythings much lighter and more compact. You can even lift the engine
out all by yourself.
The big bike engines have plenty of low down torque and what the smaller bikes lack in torque, they make up for in RPM. If you're ever near MK
on a Saturday, pop in for a chat and a spin in a BEC and see for yourself.
posted on 22/2/06 at 01:56 PM |
"- Cost under 10k all in (pref nearer the 5k mark)
- ideally powered by a honda car engine, K20a or at least a B16a
- Some kind of enclosed roof, solid or cloth type.
- Modern looking, im not overly keen on the 7 type design although i wouldnt completely rule out something like this.
- simpleish step by step to build as i have very little mechanical knowledge (oil and filter changes is about as far as it goes) and would ideally
like to finsh the build within a year. "
Now that´s an optimist! Here is my tip: either you build it on the budget, or you build it in schedule. I chose to build it on a budget, and guess
what? 2 years and counting...
but of course we do not have kits in Brazil, we have to build´em from the grpound up, and adapt the design because cortinas were never sold here...
posted on 22/2/06 at 05:23 PM |
Have you looked at the Fury or Stylus? You could probably get a built xflow powered one for 4.5k and then put a honda engine in......
posted on 22/2/06 at 06:11 PM |
For that price the only answer is to buy a completed car with some miles on it....
Mid-engine Locost - http://www.midlana.com
And the book - http://www.lulu.com/shop/kurt-bilinski/midlana/paperback/product-21330662.html
Kimini - a tube-frame, carbon shell, Honda Prelude VTEC mid-engine Mini: http://www.kimini.com
And its book -