posted on 25/2/07 at 10:46 PM |
hi iam new need your views
hi all i bought the book about a year a go build for £250 i cut all the frame back then and its been in my shed since now ive started to look at
building it this summer. are there a lot of people that build these and get them on the road or it it dieing off cus iam new i have no idea about the
locost seen if you no what i mean.i think the only probs i can see are getting the panels for it cus i dont fancy useing loads of fibreglass and
making my own is there anywhere that sells them for a decent price thanks all hope to start it this week if all gos well
posted on 25/2/07 at 10:49 PM |
posted on 25/2/07 at 10:49 PM |
Hello and welcome. The scene i definatly getting bigger and there are loads of companies to get parts from. Try checking out the links page. if you
need any advice your in the right place.
Confused but excited.
posted on 25/2/07 at 10:50 PM |
Everything you need to know will be on here somewhere. Read through the sections. Anything you are not sure about, ask.
The guys on here are very knowlegeable and even more helpful.
Good luck with your build.
Tell them about the bent treacle edges!
posted on 25/2/07 at 11:02 PM |
But don't ask me. I'm as thick as mince........
posted on 25/2/07 at 11:02 PM |
The only problem re Locost building from my point of view is that your welding has to be pretty good from the very beginning.... Shabby chassis welds
are not a good basis for a car no matter how good your finishing details are...
DIYing glass fibre is only for the hard core extreme. There are numerous people who do GF work for the Locost... One of the few jobs it's
probably cheaper to chuck some money at...
I'd say get on with it and get it started. Within a few months you'll have a pretty sorted rolling chassis and by then you'll be too
hooked to ever turn back
posted on 25/2/07 at 11:03 PM |
so where abouts are you in the uk ?
and what is the 2l turbo your using ?
posted on 25/2/07 at 11:16 PM |
hi iam from the west mids wolverhampton iam a fabricator by trade so hopefully it wont drop apart lol the scrap yard by me has a lot of rover 220
turbos in so i was going to use one of them he said i could have one for £100 then its just the case of making it fit but he does have a bob v6 engine
thats temping but i think it might be a bit to much weight but then again ive never buit one before so i dont no lol
posted on 25/2/07 at 11:29 PM |
A fabricator, with steel already cut and nothing welded yet go for it
Although it might be worth waiting a week or so for the new book to arrive as it promises to be better than the first, or go look for the McSorley
Have fun
posted on 25/2/07 at 11:37 PM |
pmsl i no times been tight but iam gonna pull my finger out and get on with it its one of those things ive always wanted to do. and i work not far
from westfield so i see a lot of kitcar going up the road on test drives and so i thought this year iam deffo gonna build it. and it would cost a lot
less well thats what ive told the misses anyway lol
Thinking about it
posted on 25/2/07 at 11:50 PM |
Welcome. I'm just up the road in kidderminster. Got pretty much all the mechanical bits together and need to pick the tubing up next week. Looks
like we have a local race on!
Everyone on here has been really helpful to me and I'm sure you will find the same.
posted on 26/2/07 at 12:02 AM |
thanks matey race deffo when its done
ive seen i few of these go on the road there bloody fast. at the mo iam looking at the net about the rear end and useing a sierra diff iam gonna make
most of the parts first. and buy most of what i need then put it all together
posted on 26/2/07 at 11:59 AM |
welcome aboard shipmate. Use the search button near the top of the screen. It'll save you a lot of time, you'll be amzed at the quantity
of great information thats held on this site.
"just like that !"
posted on 26/2/07 at 12:49 PM |
Have you ever considered fitting a motorbike engine in your locost........?
posted on 26/2/07 at 01:46 PM |
quote: Originally posted by Hellfire
Have you ever considered fitting a motorbike engine in your locost........?
Thats a great idea Phil? Do you think it will catch on? Sounds a bit crazy using a bike engine in a small lightweight car. Has anyone actualy done
posted on 26/2/07 at 07:10 PM |
i did have a gpz1000rx and i was thinking for a bit about using that. about a year lol .but the bike was in showroom condition so i couldnt brake it.
so i sold it
good idea tho cus i bet it would shift with one in iam not %100 sure how to use one do you turn it sideways and adapt the drive cog to the prop or
just rear mount the engine and chain drive it