posted on 20/4/08 at 02:14 PM |
Radiator LMP - Options and efficency
Hi Fella`s,
I thought I would ask the wealth of knowledge on here first, regarding rads.
I can`t seem to find much info on radiator positions, apart from, they have been mounted just about everywhere possible over time (nose cone, side
pods, engine bay, under the rear wing etc)
The current trend in f1 is to mount them at 45 degrees to the angle of flow at high pressure region just behind/to the side of the driver.
LMP/ Group-C etc have at times mounted them horizontal to the direction of flow (basically laid flat and exposed at the top of the side pods.
Obviously there is a trade off cooling efficeincy and aerodynamics here.
The lotus 79 mounted them at the leading edge of the side pods, graphted in due to the venturi effect pods they were running.
What seems to be the best option here for a dIY LMP aerodynaics conscious build? I guess this is more of an experience based decision, so if you have
a thought, please feel free to share
Best Regards
posted on 20/4/08 at 04:50 PM |
I could be wrong but I think you'll find that for maximum efficiency they should be mounted at 90 degrees to the air flow. I'm sure this
is the case with most applications, with the exception of our home builds where comprimises are sometimes necessary.
posted on 20/4/08 at 06:01 PM |
A front mounted rad is the best for maximum airflow. Also the biggest you can fit relative to your engine at 90 degrees to the airflow is best.
The reason rads are tilted is because of getting a big enough rad in a smaller space.
45 degrees is not optimum. I would recommend no more than 30 degrees.
When you mount a rad in side pods, you have to account for obstructions that might divert airflow away, such as your front wheels, spoilers etc.
This is why F1 cars fit barge boards to direct more air into the side mounted rads.