posted on 29/8/08 at 01:21 PM |
weld penetration
hey guys im back from reading!! woo and decided to take the week off work to do some of the chassis! trouble is im just really worried about the
penetration of my welds, i cant turn up the power high enough to blow through on the edge welds, where u are welding an end of one tube to the side of
another, and therefore i cant know if im getting enough penetration? if i knew when it was blowing through i could dial it back a bit and know it was
fully melting but im well worried they look alright but arent through, any advice? im using 0.6mm wire, would 0.8mm helpthat much? thanksalan
posted on 29/8/08 at 01:27 PM |
Try welding up a few sample sections, then cut through the joints with a hacksaw, that should show you?
posted on 29/8/08 at 01:30 PM |
on my welding course we'd weld up a piece 90 degrees to another (like the vertical bits that separate the top and bottom chassis rails).
We'd then cut at 45 degrees to the two pieces (ie in the middle of the weld) about 1/3 to 1/2 of the way through the weld with a hack saw.
You then took a large hammer and hit the peice back and forth till it broke. If the break took part of the parent metal with it, you had penetration.
If it didn't ...... you did it again till it did.
posted on 29/8/08 at 01:43 PM |
put the amps up higher then focus the weld on the corner edge then pull up into the thinner piece.
bacically spend 2/3's working the weld pool on the thick corner then 1/3 pulling the weld up into the thinner tube so it doesnt blow through.
its not a hard set rule but basically you need to focus the heat into the thicker metal then move it up in to the thinner stuff. wire feed wise out of
the scale 1-10 you need to be on about 5-6 for most welders.
if your not comfortable with that use a zigzag movement concentrating further down into the tube of which you are welding the corner. the weld will be
bigger and not so neat but will be nice and strong.
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mr henderson
posted on 29/8/08 at 04:26 PM |
If you don't fancy the hacksaw, then use a thin cutting disc in an angle grinder, but whichever way you cut it, a cross section of your welds
will tell you what you need to know