posted on 5/8/02 at 07:43 PM |
When is a locost not a locost?
Sorry if people are expecting a joke, this is a serious question.
If I was to buy, say an old dutton etc type kit that has been on the road but is now in need of a little tlc, and rebuilt it using a homemade steel
spaceframe type chassis, would I be able to keep the identification/reg of the said vehicle?This would allow me to get on the road without the need
for an sva.Any views!!!!
posted on 5/8/02 at 08:30 PM |
Strictly speaking and legally no, it's not allowed. But ask yourself how many bike engined Sevens especially are out there registered as Duttons and
carlton Commandos (you know who all you are!!!) because bike engines are notoriously difficult to get through the emmissions test at the SVA.(or are
too tight to pay for the test). Personally I think if you go this route you are either a pussy or a cheating bastard and should be flogged in the town
square but that's just my opinion!
Chris PTM
Metal Hippy™
posted on 5/8/02 at 08:37 PM |
I love seeing diplomacy at it's best.
Can anyone do a better job than our very own PTM?
President of the Non-conformist Locost Builders Club. E-mail for details...
posted on 5/8/02 at 08:48 PM |
smells of "wish I'd thought of that" to me.
Either way I'm up for a public flogging!!
posted on 5/8/02 at 09:32 PM |
Actually Macca No
It's not I wish I'd thought of that. It's is this car really as safe as I think it is having not passed any test that goes beyond an MOT. Is it
that such people (some of whom are good friends of mine) are so poo scared of their own mechanical prowess that they dare'nt take an SVA for fear of
failure. I'm not saying it is, it's just a thought. It can't all be a cost issue either as some of these log books cost way more than an SVA. I've
been involved in two SVA's now, my own and a good friend's and we both passed first time. There's nothing to it if your car is built correctly and
to the regulations. Here's a thought, if you had a child that needed a car seat would you buy a non BSI certified seat because it was easier or
cheaper. No thought not!
Chris PTM
Jon Ison
posted on 6/8/02 at 04:32 PM |
posted on 6/8/02 at 05:20 PM |
i think i'd go for a sva test or an engineers test just to be on the safe side and satisfy my own mind that my work was up 2 scratch
posted on 6/8/02 at 08:26 PM |
I think I get where you're coming from, but wouldn't the baby seat analogy ( where's the spelcheek?) have me going out to buy a volvo!
Anyway about this flogging....