posted on 21/5/14 at 07:10 AM |
Rear suspension pickup points
Did any one used pickup points for 4link as below? I think, from strenght point of view this arrangement is better than original one. Only limitation
is the rose joint thickness. Maybe oneone has plans for this fms chassis?
posted on 21/5/14 at 01:59 PM |
I can't see a problem with the design in the photo. I know some people make their suspension brackets from box section with one face cut off to
avoid having to bend flat strip.
One heavy are those brake discs...? They look like they weigh a lot!
posted on 21/5/14 at 02:06 PM |
I presume that there is a Panhard rod or Watts Linkage being used to stop lateral movement of the axle?
posted on 3/6/16 at 10:25 AM |