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simes43 - 9/12/09 at 02:40 PM

With the recent 750 announcement (due to poor overall numbers) of there being no AFD next year and the lack of a drivers rep, perhaps a list of what drivers thoughts are could be collated and sent to the club?

Unlike the BRSCC etc, the 750 mc in my experience does listen.

Richd - 9/12/09 at 03:33 PM

Simes, i'd be happy to register my dissapointment at the dropping of the AFD. i think that to the people who do turn up it is an important sounding board. to cancel it due to those who don't want to bother only places a bigger distance between the club and the competitors.

If I remember right Locost had 5 representatives at last years.



PS Have you rebuilt that car again, and again, yet.

simes43 - 9/12/09 at 05:26 PM

There was 39 attendees from all classes.

So I can see why hiring a conference room all day makes little sense.

The AFD has been a great place over the last few years for getting things done or looked at.

Perhaps the other formula have a different approach to rule changes etc that works for them, which we could adopt.

We need to keep a collective voice.

procomp - 10/12/09 at 07:53 AM


There is as far as i know two people standing for formula rep for 2010. Alan collar and myself.

AFD's. I think that in general it was quite right to discontinue the them given the poor support that has been shown by drivers. It's true that ideas can be voiced but what needs to be remembered is that anything being discussed would not change that years regulations but the following. And with only a handful of drivers attending any discussion would need to be discussed further with ALL drivers before being put into practice. So except for an initial quick kick around of an idea between a handful nothing really gets sorted or finalised.

However what is needed is a regular meeting of all drivers so that these ideas can be voiced and heard by all concerned. this way the drivers committe and the rep will have a very good idea of what is wanted by the drivers. Hopefully this can then be turned into somthing that can be put into practice as the committe and rep can go to the club with clear facts of what the drivers as a whole group want to see happening.
A regular drivers meeting would also give opportunity for the rep pass on ALL the info that the drivers are entitled to have from the monthly Race tech meetings.

Just my 2Ps worth . But i absolutely sure that what the formula needs is a more regular formal meeting of drivers to get the ideas that are talked about in the paddock discussed and see what can be done with those ideas. And as i mentioned it would also give the committe and rep the opportunity to discuss what has been discussed at race tech meetings. Not to mention the usual banter and a few laughs to be had.

Cheers Matt