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New forest camping version 3
scutter - 8/5/06 at 01:53 PM

OK folks, firstly my apologies for messing about with the dates again,
But I now have other commitments on the first set of dates so which of the following dates is prefered?

Thanks to all for your patience. Dan.

OK so it's my first poll! next time I won't leave the spaces

[Edited on 8/5/06 by scutter]

James - 8/5/06 at 03:37 PM

Any of them will do me really, went for the earliest as the later ones are creeping a little close to the World Savate Championships (September) and I need all the training time I can get!


theconrodkid - 8/5/06 at 04:18 PM

you do pick em dont you,jo is over for those weeks.....wonder if she likes tents?

bob - 8/5/06 at 06:05 PM

The only one i cant do is August 12/13th the other dates are fine with me

[Edited on 8/5/06 by bob]

Kitlooney1000 - 8/5/06 at 06:05 PM

coz thats my birthday!!!!!!

shortie - 8/5/06 at 08:41 PM

Can me and Paula come?

2223 July best for us!


scutter - 9/5/06 at 07:46 AM

Of course you and Paula can come, I need to buy you two a drink for the foul weather protection at Stoneleigh( thanks again by the way)

July dates looking best so far, don't fret Lew I'll send you a card to make up

ATB Dan.

Jasper - 9/5/06 at 11:50 AM

Can only do Aug 5/6 .....

Rich and Paula HAVE to come ....

Kitlooney1000 - 9/5/06 at 05:03 PM

July dates looking best so far, don't fret Lew I'll send you a card to make up

ATB Dan.

Thanks Mate

bob - 10/5/06 at 11:11 PM

Whatever date we decide on have we a list of sites we are going to try and get into,or will a date change allow us to book ?

Is red shoot available for these dates ?

scutter - 11/5/06 at 06:21 AM

I'll find out.


Fozzie - 11/5/06 at 02:26 PM

I think all dates are OK by us Dan However landed back in Blighty this mornin at 6am no sleep at all, so me memory may be a bit awry, but sure those dates are fine!

scutter - 12/5/06 at 06:42 PM

Ok the Redshoot still can't take us!!

So we'll say the 22/23 July as dates, is everyone still happy for us to find a campsite that weekend (that has showers and allows dogs)?

ATB Dan.

bob - 12/5/06 at 09:01 PM

I'm ok with that date (22/23 july)

Are we going to wing it and have a hit list of sites or try and book in ?

scutter - 13/5/06 at 06:23 AM

I'd say wing on the Friday. Allows for us to cancel if the weathers crap.


bob - 13/6/06 at 06:49 PM

Ok, my calender is getting a bit busy so is this a goer ?

I'm still keen

Just thought i would bring the thread back to life and see if we can get any more interest.

Fozzie - 13/6/06 at 07:16 PM

Yep, my 'events' diary is now pretty full too! Another Brands I believe August 12/13th.
Visiting DLT's rellies in the Highlands to watch the highland games in Nairn 16th - 24th August.
Relatives now visiting around 22nd July, so it could be that I have to drop out of this one!
Oh well..........


scutter - 14/6/06 at 04:29 PM

I'm still planning to go with the 22/23 July.

ATB Dan.

bob - 14/6/06 at 04:56 PM

OK dan i'll put that on the calender

I can go friday 21st as i have a full weekend pass

scutter - 14/6/06 at 06:04 PM

I'll be down friday aswell, driving from mother in laws in southampton.

ATB Dan.

scutter - 4/7/06 at 08:02 AM


Honest the final one
