I posted this in the mid-engine group because that's the type of car it is. However, it's general enough that traditional front engine/rear
drive builders will find it just as helpful. It covers: goal setting, research, design, gathering tools, garage layout, construction, debugging, and
first drives.
I think you guys will find it to be a good resource: http://www.lulu.com/content/784994
thats great!
does that mean that you will be removing your excellent website?
If someone says, "Why buy the book when I can find everything on the site for free?", that's not cool. However, there's a lot of
stuff in the book that's not on the site, so I hope the two can continue to coexist.
[Edited on 4/13/07 by kb58]
will it be available in other stores? ex. amazon I would like to buy a copy but I'm located in the philippines and I feel comfortable buying from amazon. havent tried lulu
Go through Lulu's ordering process to the point to where it shows shipping charges, then decide if it's too much. If it is, you can wait
until/if I figure out the e-book version. My concern about the e-book though is security... a real sticky one, that.
Regardless, I'll work with you so you can get the book in one form or another. Send me an e-mail through my site and I'll save your message
so I don't forget.
Kurt, did you work with a publisher on this or self-published?
Is it an easy process getting lined up with lulu? Thanks
Self-published. Yes it was very easy. The POD publishers will, if you want, leave you completely alone. That is, everything's up to you, format,
editing, copy editing - everything. If you're considering writing/publishing something, I really recommend this book:
It'll make you glad you don't deal with "real" publishers. My not doing so was more by dumb luck; they didn't want to talk to
me, and now I'm glad they didn't. Writers do 99% of the work, but on average make 12% of the profits. Guess who gets all the rest -
publishers and bookstores.
is the book based on that mini on the front cover cus that looks so coooooool
Yes, and the same principles and guidelines apply to *any* sports car you want to build.
[Edited on 4/15/07 by kb58]
I might consider to buy from lulu but I'll ask my moms friend of she can ship it to me.
Thanks, Good luck on the book!
thanks, though I got a few comments about how amateurish the book info page look. Sigh, I suck, what can I say. I'll spend a bit more time on it,
maybe adding some pages from the book, if not an expanded table of contents. You know, "teaser" material!
[Edited on 4/19/07 by kb58]
Looks like an excellent book. Can't wait to get my own copy!!