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What size/type of rivets?
Simon W - 26/5/07 at 08:14 PM

Wanting to buy in my rivets for the aluminium panels and steel floor. Ideally I would like to use the same type all round. I would like sealed/closed type but not sure on the size and whether I need aluminium or steel.


Macbeast - 26/5/07 at 08:37 PM

I was advised aluminium. 4mm dia 8mm long sealed end. Not done it yet, but I'm sure of my guru

flak monkey - 26/5/07 at 08:40 PM

Originally posted by Macbeast
I was advised aluminium. 4mm dia 8mm long sealed end. Not done it yet, but I'm sure of my guru

S'what I used for everything on my car.

Some people have used large head 5mm rivets for the floor, not sure if you can get them in sealed end though.

Don't use stainless rivets with aluminium panels as the galvanic corrosion can be pretty rapid. Fine on steel panels though.

Simon W - 26/5/07 at 09:20 PM

flak monkey,

How many approx did you use? I am planning on riveting every inch (want to add as much strength as possible as it's going to be a track/race car) so know I am going to need a fair few


flak monkey - 27/5/07 at 07:15 AM

Used about 400 or so, riveting every 50 or 75mm depending on the panel.

Bond the panels on with sikaflex as well, especially the floor, and any panels you dont want to come off. IMO you dont gain anything by riveting every inch, you only weakend the chassis tubes. Every 50 is plenty close enough IMO.


locostv8 - 27/5/07 at 07:37 AM

Since you are using a steel floor I would probably stitch weld that to the frame for additional strength.

Catpuss - 27/5/07 at 08:38 AM

For an ally underbody I used sikaflex to bond and 4.8x16mm (MK say they are 5mm in there build guide) I think my rivets may have been 18mm too.

I used the ones with the wider heads (something lieke 15mm?).

Spaced approx 60mm appart I used 140 rivets underneath (possibly dead on).

I then smeard a small blob of sikaflex over each rivet head at the end to make sure they were sealed.

I suspect rattling underbody and poor seals won't be too much of an issue

Simon W - 27/5/07 at 09:07 AM

Yep, got my Sikaflex at the ready, might just go for the 4.0mm x 8.0mm rivets all around.

DaveFJ - 27/5/07 at 09:10 AM

If your worried about strength then do not use 'pop rivets'. you need to buy the much more expensivr structural rivets. I have used Huck Magnaloks - they are very strong but will put you back over £100 for 500!
If you do a search on here you will find this subject has been discussed MANY times....

Rivco stock them


Simon W - 27/5/07 at 11:17 AM

Originally posted by DaveFJ
If your worried about strength then do not use 'pop rivets'. you need to buy the much more expensivr structural rivets. I have used Huck Magnaloks - they are very strong but will put you back over £100 for 500!
If you do a search on here you will find this subject has been discussed MANY times....

Rivco stock them


Ouch! I think standard rivets every 1 inch along with the Sikaflex bond should be plenty strong enough!

MikeRJ - 27/5/07 at 11:58 AM

If it's a steel floor and you want the best strength why not weld it?

Simon W - 7/6/07 at 08:53 PM

Originally posted by MikeRJ
If it's a steel floor and you want the best strength why not weld it?

Because I want to be able to get primer/paint between the floor and the bottom rails. Plus being a race car, if I prang it the floor will be much easier to get off than if it were welded.

procomp - 8/6/07 at 07:16 AM

Hi Simon W . The 4x8mm sealed rivets are fine for the job. You will need 2500 and then you will have a few left over.

Also try asking for tucker rivets. Better quality but not always available.

cheers matt