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Key stuck in barrel
wydraz - 13/12/08 at 11:27 PM

Had a spare key cut at timpsons today for my Indy with Sierra home, it slid in fine but wouldn't turn and now I can't even get the bloody thing!!


BenB - 13/12/08 at 11:30 PM

Penetrating oil and muchos wiggling?
Sounds like it wasn't cut properly and one of the teeth hasn't engaged....

JoelP - 13/12/08 at 11:35 PM

pull until the plastic handle comes off, then grab the remains with a wrench and hammer the wrench out to get it all out together. Thats what i did with my old van anyway.

adithorp - 13/12/08 at 11:35 PM

Common problem with replacement later ford keys. Bit of wiggling and pulling (ooo eer vicar).

Always best to run a file over all the edges before putting a new one in the lock (sorry, bit late now).

RoadkillUK - 13/12/08 at 11:57 PM

Can you turn it to the first position, if so, remove the barrel and fix it in the warmth of the living room.

blakep82 - 14/12/08 at 12:12 AM

Originally posted by adithorp
(ooo eer vicar).

ha ha ha thats not right is it?!

Danozeman - 14/12/08 at 09:35 AM

As said bit of wiggling and pulling with a bit of lube!

A new ford key in a worn barrel will often get stuck!!

wydraz - 14/12/08 at 09:59 AM

Will try again today, wish me luck thanks for all the replies guys

scootz - 14/12/08 at 10:06 AM

Only one solution I'm afraid... you'll have to buy a new car!

Hellfire - 14/12/08 at 12:29 PM

If you do manage to get the key out, use some wet n dry to remove the sharp edges and it should be fine.


ashg - 14/12/08 at 03:11 PM

age old ford problem. my dads mondeo used to do it. just keep turning and tugging and it will come out in the end

wydraz - 14/12/08 at 04:30 PM

Got it out after muchos brute force and pulling, hope the barrel isnt now damaged....

Hellfire - 15/12/08 at 09:55 PM

Originally posted by wydraz
Got it out after muchos brute force and pulling, hope the barrel isnt now damaged....

You could always use a screwdriver (minus sharp edges) like most of the tea-leaves use when pinching Fords....


ASH3 - 15/12/08 at 10:43 PM

Havin worked on front counter at a main
Ford dealer for many years but many
years ago now the old boys working with
me were sods for not leaving a newly cut
key on the wire wheel for long enough
leaving it with a ruff feel. I spent many a
time with a safety pin down the side of a
stuck key to release it. All the problem is
the key hole cover wears an edge on it
and grabs a poorly cut key another way to
release it is by pulling while rotating the