Passed today with retest
Thanks for all the help from members of the forum,extra thanks in no particular order,
Hellfire,for the inspiration from reading his build diary and the time phil and father took to show me around the car and answering all sorts of silly
Madgaz who took me out in his gulf indy,never forget that day,first time in a bec.
Chris Mason,for all your help and doing my wiring and always being willing to help.
Al,my build buddy,always willing to help and take the Pi$$ when needed.
My brother in law Raging Dave for all his help with transport, trailers and general help.
The guys at Mk and anyone else who helped,sorry if I've forgot to mention you.
Well done - Lovely day for it!
well done, happy for you, bit chilly though
Nice one! Did you drive there? Brrrr....
na, he didnt drive (WIMP)
well done mate you beat me bring on the summer
Congrats - a great day that will keep you smiling for a good while
Any pics....?
Will post some pics when I've cleaned it.
well done, A few beers now may be
Congratulations Ed, your Indy looks great. Take it easy getting to grips with it in this cold weather. Heres looking forward to the summer
Well done mate!
well done
Congratulations mate!
Congratulations! take it easy if your putting it on the road soon!
We need to get together for a ride out in the summer just need Alan to pull his finger out now
P.S Dont know if Alan's mentioned it to you but its the Peterborough meeting tonight
Well done.
Great feeling to know that part (SVA) is over.
Ditto what locor1 said. Should be a few of us this year out for a gentle drive
Well done that man