My Indy was suffering terrible overheating with an Escort radiator - 1300 single-row just isn't up to it.
So I've fitted a Polo unit (VW302 from AdRad).
I'm having a bit of trouble finding suitable hoses, but will probably fit Vulcoflex hoses from CBS as a stop gap.
Has anyone identified a collection of off-the-shelf standard hoses that can be cut-and-shut to suit installation in an MK Indy with 2L Pinto engine
and Polo radiator?
What did you do if you run Pinto/Polo?
Mines a zetec but I used 32mm aerial pole from B&Q, bought some silicone bends and what not cheap off ebay and use the cutoff bits of legs off bends to join the alli tube to the rad.
Thanks, coozer.
I'd been hoping that after many hundreds of MKs being built, there would be a concensus on what is a fairly standard installation.