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MK rack - quick rack
Mark G - 17/5/09 at 07:30 PM


I want to turn my shortend MK steering rack into a quick rack. My question is do MK actually shorten the 'rack' or just the 'rack body'? as I'm looking at one of THESE and don't really want to have to cut it down.

Hellfire - 17/5/09 at 07:33 PM

MK will shorten the rack for you. Give them a call, it may be cheaper to buy the quick-rack directly from them, already cut to length.


Steve Hignett - 17/5/09 at 07:33 PM

You would have to cut it down Mark, but it's a two second job...

eccsmk - 17/5/09 at 07:37 PM

got mine direct from MK they had it done in about 10 minutes of me reminding them

and they greased the rack up so it was nice and free moving

Mark G - 17/5/09 at 07:50 PM

Originally posted by Steve Hignett
You would have to cut it down Mark, but it's a two second job...

I don't mind cutting it, Its the drilling and tapping a new hole in the end thats the problem.

Steve Hignett - 17/5/09 at 08:04 PM

Well Yeah, to be honest, I drilled the hole, chamfer and smoothed off all in a lathe. Then obviously tapping it is just a case of following the previously drilled hole...

Kev99 - 17/5/09 at 08:09 PM

Just cut the internels down of a new sierra quick rack to the same length as the one youve got it all comes off one end then re tap it believe its m10.



StevieB - 17/5/09 at 09:06 PM

I enquired with MK and they told me £120 to take in my rack and have the quick rack made to length and fitted by them.

If it's m10, I'd be half tempted to give it a go myself but a quick rack is about 90 and a decent tap is a good 20 or so (maybe more for m10).

Steve Hignett - 17/5/09 at 10:44 PM

Isn't it M14???

Originally posted by Kev99
Just cut the internels down of a new sierra quick rack to the same length as the one youve got it all comes off one end then re tap it believe its m10.

