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MK Indy Springs (Protech's)
Kriss - 2/6/09 at 10:49 AM

Has anyone replaced their springs on their Indy. Myself and a friend are confident that the ready supplied 350lbs springs with the kit are just way too much for a BEC! On track yesterday, the car just didnt want to roll into the corners, esp druids as I woudl have hoped. I was running 18 cold PSI upfront which could have been part of the probblem but my friend is confident the spring rate it the underlying problemo.

I am looking for something around the 200lbs mark, would appreciate some feedback onw hat others have done, as well as suppliers etc. Matt/procomp/others?

Anyone know measurements of the top of their head?


MikeCapon - 2/6/09 at 11:17 AM

A good spring supplier

You'll end up speaking to Peter or Andy. Tell them I sent you and they'll look after you.



RK - 2/6/09 at 11:41 AM

Also Gaz. ProTech can get what you want too.

Would different tyre pressures not help your handling? I would ask around to the other MK racers quite a bit, before forking out on new springs.

ReMan - 2/6/09 at 11:46 AM

Yes, 350 is much too much , but it's waht is supplied as astandard
Got 225 lb in mine, the suspension moves a bit now!!

ashg - 2/6/09 at 12:18 PM

350 is ideal for a car engine. you want around 250ish for a bike engine.

did you tell mk from the start that you were going bike engine?

rally design sell springs a cheep cheep prices.

Kriss - 2/6/09 at 12:48 PM

the BEC centre built my car and I think MK just supply a one size fits all kinda package.

I will measure up my springs and then see what is on offer.

The R300 I went in did exactly that, it move with the car, mine just feels too stiff

PAUL FISHER - 2/6/09 at 02:06 PM

I did quite a bit of experimenting with spring rates with my 1st Indy for the track,I found 175 front,and 275 rear worked best,this reduced the rear end body roll you see with so many Indys on the track,and help it turn in better eliminating understeer,350 springs for the front of the Indy are too strong in my opinion for a BEC,the ride on the road with 275's on the rear, is a little firm on the road,but worth the trade off in my opinion for better track performance.
Just give MK a call,ask them to send you a couple of softer springs,they are not very expensive,only about £30 a pair if I recall.

tootall - 3/6/09 at 02:06 PM

igot my indy r on rd last week and ive done 300 miles in her this week and my feeling is the front is too hard and the rear is perfect with our lass in it but when on my own its to stif for road use but not been on the track yet but round me we have some awsome back rds ans i just carnt push it how i want even with the sticky R888 it seems to hop across the rd

what rate will my springs be as mk knew what engine was going in kit or is it just get what u get