Is anyone taking their MK to the show?
Still rebuilding mine
Mark, Alice,
What day are you going?? We are going on Sunday if you are around.
Will you have yours at the show??
I've got my RE-RE-TEST tomorrow :-) so hopefully mine will be there. Is there anyone going down from the North West area that wants to meet up and drive down
im taking mine
And me
At last Q971GFD is on the road!
I've looked at the forecast for Sunday and it is not good.
We may still head up to the show, but prob won't take the car.
Austin - you are welcome to pop over in the week if you want!
I'll be there but not in my Indy, blew the clutch last night so im going down in my normal car.
See you all there in the bar at 12
cheers mark, I may well do that but its only 2 weeks untill the next SMKC meet, so may just look forward to that instead