so the sump of my r1 sticks out 60mm from the bottom chassis rail. and theres room for the engine to move up 60mm. ive seen a few horror stories on
here of sumps cracking.. and i dont fancy destroying my 2008 r1 if it can be avoided.
so whats the best way of raising the engine? i was thinking along the lines of aliminium spacers between the cradle and the chassis, then grinding off
the bottom mount and rewelding it higher, but is 60mm pushing it?
does anyone see any major pitfalls in this?
will sva man like it?
will the prop center bearing need moving?
im also pretty far along on in the build, it failed its sva last month so its a headache.
thanks for any help.
Shorten sump??
Is this one of the jobs it failed the SVA on?
If not I would sort the failure issues out first and then you don't need to worry about the SVA man being happy.
60mm will have an impact on the CoG and shortening the sump may be a better solution?
Its already a very short sump as standard, I would only gain a cm or two at most and then risk oil starvation. It would be far easier though.
the engine is coming out anyway to fit a sump baffle and a steering bearing.
it didnt fail sva on this, but its still quite a long list. i built it in 9 weeks!
the car is running high to clear the sump at the moment. if i raise the engine i can drop the whole car as low as like with no worrys to the engine.
some of the roads and speedbumps round here are shocking.
i shortened my sump but still keep finding scrapes on it i can not lift my engine any more but would if i could. plus im going to robber or polly mount my engine as i have uncomfortable vibration at 7k to 8k so that could be a option