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shortie - 14/3/04 at 08:10 AM

Ordered the kit today at the Stafford show, should be ready around May time so had better get cleaning up the donor parts!!

Can't wait to get started!

zetec - 14/3/04 at 08:32 AM

Best of luck to you. Good idea getting a "kit" of donor parts ready, means you can take your time and get things just right. There's no turning back now, once you start it takes over your life!

scotlad - 14/3/04 at 11:10 AM

mines about finished now- sort of sad as building it has been such a great experience- got driving it to look forward to now!!!

You'll have a great time i'm sure!

Jonte - 14/3/04 at 11:34 AM

Good choice

Originally posted by zetec
There's no turning back now, once you start it takes over your life!

That´s´ll gonna be thinking night and day on the car. How to solve different problems.

alister667 - 14/3/04 at 12:52 PM

Enjoy the build.
All the best.