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New style MK back panel doesn't fit?
DavidW - 24/11/09 at 09:00 PM

The back panel that came with my Indy was pretty shabby so I bought a new one complete with 'squared off' rounded edges to match the the side panels properly.

I slid it on and was pleased to see they appear to have made them narrower so they now fit the chassis width perfectly.

Unfortunately it's just not long enough to meet the side panels by 5-10mm and seems about 7mm to low to get a flush joint on the top.

I've tried pulling it into place but just can't pull hard enough.

Has anyone tried fitting one of these and had similar problems? The panel just seems slightly too small.

I'm feeling really disappointed and wish I'd stuck with the old one (which I broke removing).

Please help before I just torch the thing....

A1 - 24/11/09 at 09:11 PM

ive not tried fitting a new one, but i do believe that the side panels were changed slightly too, the edge had to be rounded off more... not sure if they changed anything else...

Hellfire - 24/11/09 at 09:43 PM

I'd give MK Sportscars a call and let them know the problems you're having fitting the back panel.


DavidW - 26/11/09 at 09:42 AM

I've phoned MK and they told me that the new style back panel doesn't properly fit the old style chassis as they didn't check it when the new mould was made.

They can't supply the old type any more and that is that.

I'm really diaapointed, this just terrible service.

Hellfire - 26/11/09 at 05:33 PM

Does that mean that MK Sportscars no longer supply the old style MK Indy? Surely they can still get bodywork for it but if not give MAC#1 a call. I'm sure their's will fit the Indy.


lococost - 27/11/09 at 11:40 AM

I believe they are legally obliged to supply you with spare parts of the 'older' MK for 10 years after the last production date...

Anyway, I agree, that is terrible service.

[Edited on 27/11/09 by lococost]