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Top hat for cable to p[ass through bulkhead?
eznfrank - 23/2/10 at 02:27 PM

Has anyone found a decent solution for how to secure the cable as it comes through the bulkhead at the pedal end (on an Indy if that makes a difference). I don;t mean the nipple, I mean the bit that stops the sheath moving?


cd.thomson - 23/2/10 at 02:31 PM

If I've read that right then I'm also interested in the answer as I'm sure my outer cable needs some kind of double rimmed top hat fitting to it.

stevec - 23/2/10 at 02:35 PM

I turned a top hat from a bit of nylon bar and drilled it through then drilled half way slightly larger to hold the cable.


blakep82 - 23/2/10 at 03:00 PM

the cable usually (not all of them do though) has a stepped metal end on it that goes into an adjuster. all you need is a plate with the right size hole in it

if your cab;e hasn't got a stepped metal end on it, i'd look for another one that does

Coopz - 23/2/10 at 03:17 PM

Mac1 supply what your after.

martin1973 - 23/2/10 at 07:33 PM

i used a rivnut
n tapped a thread on the cable end so it screwed in the rivnut

did the same the other end too

only because i remembered how they used to work on chopper bikes

britishtrident - 23/2/10 at 07:52 PM

On our Davrians we use the bottom bit of a rubber snap in tubless tyre valve.

Mark G - 23/2/10 at 08:32 PM

I got mine direct from MK.