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bob - 30/4/04 at 06:25 PM

SVA date

Thursday 6th MAY 08.00am

Panick set in this morning when i got the call from Mitcham test centre(where ever that is)

I'll need to calm down a bit at stoneleigh with a few beers me thinks

Fozzie - 30/4/04 at 07:32 PM

Nice one Bob!

I think you will find the test centre on those directions and map I gave you! LOL

If I can't get near a computer, perhaps Alan B will let me know how you have got on.

The very best of luck mate!

ATB fozzie

bob - 30/4/04 at 09:47 PM

Cheers fozzie

I'm sure i wont get lost might even go and have a look tuesday,looking forward to it actually.

scotlad - 30/4/04 at 09:59 PM

you'll be fine!

Hellfire - 30/4/04 at 10:34 PM

Good luck...

Deckman001 - 30/4/04 at 11:13 PM

I'll make a note of it, and see if I'm busy that day, would be nice to see another one go through


wicket - 1/5/04 at 07:09 PM

Good luck Bob. I was at Mitcham recently with Jasper. Micheal, the engineer he had, was very fair and tried his best to get the car through. It was'nt as daunting as I expected, all very relaxed.

bob - 1/5/04 at 08:01 PM

Originally posted by wicket
Good luck Bob. I was at Mitcham recently with Jasper. Micheal, the engineer he had, was very fair and tried his best to get the car through. It was'nt as daunting as I expected, all very relaxed.

Thanks for that,i spoke to jasper yesterday and he said they tried to get emisions sorted and gave him loads of time.

Nice to see they are helpfull.

Alan B - 1/5/04 at 08:57 PM

Originally posted by Fozzie
Nice one Bob!.......... perhaps Alan B will let me know how you have got on.....

You betcha I will...

Good luck Bob...

Deckman001 - 4/5/04 at 07:28 PM

Looks like i might be able to pop down and meet you there, Bob, won't be able to stay long but would be nice to get an SVA refresher as it were !!


alister667 - 4/5/04 at 11:17 PM

All the very best of luck Bob. I'll be keeping my finegers crossed.

scutter - 5/5/04 at 06:16 AM

Good luck Bob, A feel a pass with no probs

All the best Dan.

donut - 5/5/04 at 12:08 PM

Very best of luck Bob.

I'll try and pop down to the sva center if i can get back from Ewell in time.

Fingers & eyes crossed

OX - 5/5/04 at 12:14 PM

good luck!

macspeedy - 5/5/04 at 01:23 PM

good luck!

bob - 5/5/04 at 06:28 PM

Thanks lads

I've just pulled my golf clubs out of the shed,i thought that rain gear would come in handy

Deckman001 - 5/5/04 at 06:42 PM

Yep, think you might be right, will see you there, will bring tin top for warmth and shelter


zetec - 5/5/04 at 07:26 PM

Good luck mate, hope the weather is OK.

CairB - 5/5/04 at 07:56 PM

Hope all goes well for tomorrow Bob.

Whatever happens you'll be driving it very soon, that is unless its already up for sale



macspeedy - 5/5/04 at 09:04 PM

go bob!!

chrisg - 5/5/04 at 09:45 PM

Never mind Bob, there's always the retest.

MMmm? wadaya mean it's still Wednesday night?

Sorry Bob, I had that typed out.

Just in case.

No offence like.


The clairvoyant.

PS good luck mate!!!

ned - 6/5/04 at 08:12 AM

1 hour in, hope it's going well!


Deckman001 - 6/5/04 at 03:52 PM

One hour in and he allready knew


macspeedy - 6/5/04 at 04:40 PM

come on bob the suspense is killing me, must know by now!

Alan B - 6/5/04 at 07:41 PM

Well, I know.......and Fozzie knows....

I expect Bob will tell you all soon...

bob - 6/5/04 at 07:54 PM


But if a fail can be a good one,i got it

All the important stuff passed no probs,brakes electrics speedo emisions.

Its the radius stuff that gets you.

One small part of dash eg two clocks

another small part of handbrake lever

boot lid edge and key locks

Part of top wishbone that i thought was non contactable,plus on the front damper adjuster knob and a small part of cycle wing strut.

rear reflector.

all the above are pretty easy to resolve and maybe i should have noticed them myself.

Last 3 fail points caught me out.

Seat belt upper anchorage,i thought the distance to base of seat was ok but i was an inch out. Mrs bob has offerd to buy me a pair of roadster 7's as an early birthday present so i'm happy

Nose cone indicators stalks,too short so anyone know of a good supplier ?

and the cheap black plastic headlights just wouldnt line up,no matter how much i fiddled and turned the i'm going to bash the credit card and buy some proper ones.

My examiner was was unfortunatly being examined himself,i thought this might make the whole test a nightmare but they were both top blokes and very fair.

My own problems with the car were as follows.

Stiff clutch
sticking throttle
broken front flexy for return home.

Big thanks to jason(deckman) for moral suport in the 1st hour and for the many messages of good luck on my phone.

Oh and mrs bob for putting up with me

All in all i think i got away with it

macspeedy - 6/5/04 at 07:58 PM

sorry to hear that as you said they are all small things and easily fixed, you'll be on the road in a week!

bob - 6/5/04 at 08:02 PM


forgot to mention pinking like mad.

Deckman001 - 6/5/04 at 08:07 PM

seeing as you've allready passed the emisions bit, get the ignition looked at, ie: try to get it tuned, will make a difference i bet !! well done tho, all the major points were passed so nothing to worry about in the re-test
Thanks for letting me tag along as well, I'm getting to know the examiner now


Mark Allanson - 6/5/04 at 08:13 PM

How did you flexie break? Over energetic testing?

Sorry to hear about the fail, but it won't be long


JoelP - 6/5/04 at 09:10 PM

nice one bob, alls well really. as said before, we need a pair of compliant headlights to share around. anyone got an idea on how we could make this work?

gjn200 - 6/5/04 at 09:19 PM

How about a compliant car to pass around?

Hellfire - 6/5/04 at 09:28 PM

Sorry to hear of your oppurtunity to retest Bob. At the very least you have a tick list now .

Regarding the indicator stalks - we had to make our own but I'm sure I've seen some on VWP's site... headlights from SVC are "top banana" very good clear strong, "correct shape" beam and passed easy!

Surely next time! ATB

bob - 6/5/04 at 09:30 PM

I think i was just unlucky with the headlights,others have gotten through with them.

The examiner being wathced by the examiner didnt help

I think the flexy took a beating when the examiner was doing the self centreing,he had it on full lock to start which on an indy is slightly more than the average london black cab.

I'll refit new flexy's and reduce the lock

[Edited on 6/5/04 by bob]

scotlad - 6/5/04 at 09:34 PM

i lengthened my stalks with plastic conduit to pass the test. then errrr threw them in the shed and fitted nice wee m/bike ones!

JoelP - 6/5/04 at 09:51 PM

Originally posted by gjn200
How about a compliant car to pass around?

well thats one idea... new engine and chassis plates every week, doing the country tour round all the test stations! im up for it... could sell the v5, chassis number and engine number as a job lot. £500? all good....

Peteff - 7/5/04 at 08:54 AM

It would be interesting to see if it passed at every station, though I doubt it would. There'd still be some different interpretations from station to station.

alister667 - 7/5/04 at 05:26 PM

I got some compliant length front indicator stalks from Stafford Vehicle Components. They're the 12cm stalk ones.

I think they look OK and my own SVA inspector had no worries with it.
They were 36 quid the pair.

bob - 7/5/04 at 06:28 PM

Thanks for that i'll have a go at stretching the ones i've got,when or if i've had enough and throw them down the garden i'll get onto SVC.

Marcus - 8/5/04 at 09:56 AM

Bob, seems you had a very similar test to ourselves a week earlier!!
Examiner being examined and all that!
Perhaps not quire as long a list as ours though.
You mentioned at Stoneleigh about reducing steering lock as mine failed on distorting flexis on full lock, assumed you had done this?
Indicator stalks - serves you right for having a wider track, ours were exactly 400mm from outside edge of car, so they JUST passed!
Best of luck with retest - haven't even looked at mine since fail!


SteveO - 9/5/04 at 07:52 AM

Good luck on the retest, Bob. In a way safety is what its all about. The radius thing drove me a bit crazy as well and had to buy the new Mk nose cone that covers the top wishbone bracket as shown in the pic of the indicator.


bob - 9/5/04 at 10:15 PM

Thanks steve.

I think i have the radius bits sorted except the clocks,i'll have to make some kind of pad and cover with vinyl.

Its just the headlights to buy now,unless i can get the same size lense in UK spec for the cheapo plaky ones.

alister667 - 10/5/04 at 07:00 PM

I knocked up this to cover my clocks (fireblade clocks).
To describe it as truely hideous doesn't do it justice, but my SVA gimp thought it was OK.
I wouldn't be surprised if it fell off soon after the retest........ (this Wednesday).
I used vinyl and some foam backing for it. STuck it on with silicon sealent. Should peel off OK.....

bob - 10/5/04 at 08:29 PM

More or less what i had planned,cheers for that.

Hellfire - 11/5/04 at 11:15 AM

Good Luck for tomorrow Alister