This area is for issues specifically related to the MK Indy and GT1 cars. If your discussion is of a more general nature please use one of the
non-specific forums.
Cheers, Chris.
[Edited on 2/3/03 by ChrisW]
[Edited on 11/8/03 by ChrisW]
It's in your own interested to post general queries to their proper section. Just because you're building an Indy doesn't mean every
post you make needs to go in here!
I'm getting really fed up of moving posts from here so I'll say it again:
Just because you're building an Indy doesn't mean every post you make needs to go in here!
If you are asking a generic question that applies to any Locost derivative car please use the correct section!!
[Edited on 16/8/03 by ChrisW]