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Any known potential IVA failure areas on MK Indy?
eznfrank - 16/4/10 at 11:57 AM

I'm in the final stages of my build and starting to get bits sorted for IVA. I've had a good search on here but though I would check if anyone could point me in the direction of any specific potential fail points on a standard Indy (pre- R and 2 year old bodywork).

I've got the rear panel to side panel covered with a tonneau so that's ok, although my main concern at the moment is the chassis rails in the cockpit/sills.

graememk - 16/4/10 at 12:11 PM

if i were you i would call martin at notts iva center

dunk3 - 16/4/10 at 12:52 PM

Hi Ez, i am just doing the same thing as you getting it ready for the IVA and covering all the sharp edges up, i need to get a cat fitted, get my emmisions checked, brakes checked, and hopefully it will be ready, Have you coverd the side panel at the bottom near the floor, and the back panel near the floor as this not got a radius of 2.5 mm, Have you got a sticker near the brake fluid resivuor, saying d.o.t 4, Have you coverd the seat belt mounting brackets at the rear of the seats, Have you coverd all sharp edges under the dash, Have you mounted the side repeters on the front archers.

eznfrank - 16/4/10 at 01:27 PM

Hi Dunk,

Thanks for the response, I've covered (or am in the process of) all the general stuff like harness mounts etc but it was the stuff specific to the Indy I was more worried about so I'm glad you mentioned the side and rear panels. Not considered those yet, how did you cover them?

Brake fluid sticker - check
Sharp edges under dash? - such as what? There's not really anything under my dash - i went for the easier more accessssible approach of mounting nearly everything on the scuttle.

[Edited on 16/4/10 by eznfrank]

fesycresy - 16/4/10 at 01:30 PM

Nice big spreader washers under the seat nuts, always a easy fail.

StrikerChris - 16/4/10 at 01:41 PM

Originally posted by eznfrank
I've got the rear panel to side panel covered with a tonneau so that's ok,

Wasn't good enought for Hitlers love child who sva's mine.Bacically said tonneau cover wasn't substantial enough to stop a childs head(presumably if it had just fallen off the moon) so everything under it had to pass the radius test as if tonneau weren't there!Basically plated off the boot space under the tonneau and had a different guy on the retest who admitted he'd been embarrassed by what his collegue had failed people on. You never know who'll you'll get tho..

[Edited on 16/4/10 by StrikerChris]

eznfrank - 16/4/10 at 01:41 PM

Dunk, I notice from your photos you've put a panel in where the wishbones attach to the chassis but I was under the impression that wasn't necessary any more?

Also noticed the hockey trim, will sort that out this weekend although I have done a little bit already but couldn't get the bend right over the rear arches for some reason, kept wanting to kick out off centre

dunk3 - 16/4/10 at 01:56 PM

Hi Ez, for the side panels i used hockey trim, for the rear panel i used p trim around the bottom with a bit of double sided tape, the panel behind the shocks is to stop the tester geting in there with his ball, i was told by mk that they now test in there if they can get in there so just as a precaution i have covered it up.

eznfrank - 16/4/10 at 02:00 PM

When are you looking at getting yours IVA'd? You not a million miles away from me.

P.S. was that chassis plate ok?

dunk3 - 16/4/10 at 02:57 PM

Saving up for the IVA , will try for sometime in june,
Just fitted the chassis plate this morning
cheers mate

jack_t - 16/4/10 at 05:23 PM

i have just iva'd my mk at nottingham

if you upload pictures of your car in its current state i will attempt to spot possible failures if you have any

good pictures would be
front suspension
under the bonnet
inside the rear tub
and then just general pics of the car

dunk3 - 16/4/10 at 05:38 PM

Hi Jack, do they look in the rear tub , even if the rear top panel can't be removed

Jon Ison - 16/4/10 at 06:14 PM

Slightly off topic but on I guess,

Always amazes me when I follow for example a skip wagon, seen the sharp edges around the rear of those ?

I'm as much for safety as the next man but this radius lark over steps the mark in some strange places on the car.

dunk3 - 16/4/10 at 06:49 PM

totally agree mate, worlds gone crazy.

jack_t - 16/4/10 at 07:17 PM

they will still check from underneith so i was just going to make sure everything was kosher