I understand I need a VIN plate on my car marked with my Indy chassis number, I don't ever recall seeing this, where has everyone else got theirs
I would check with the local DVLA office. I had mine issued and they did the build up inspection at the same time. Better to get this out of the way (if they insist on doing it) rather that have to wait for it after your SVA which might stop you getting on the road. Build up Inspection just checks that you have the car, and to try and determine the age of the donor parts if you have one. I did mine when i had a rolling chassis with engine fitted.
When the bloke from my local DVLA office (Leeds) called round to take a look at my chassis, I asked him about the VIN number and occording to him, the
days of 'pick your own' have passed. I was told that the DVLA will issue you with a VIN number and that he did (Mine is 16 digits long).
He also sent a letter that I have to take to the local DVLA office when I register the car, I know this is going off topic a little but anyway, it
goes as follows.
Dear Sir,
In order to register the vehicle can you please forward the following documents to your office, as soon as possible.
1) Insurance Certificate
2) M.O.T. Certificate
3) Vehicle Licence Duty
4) £38 Registration fee
5) Completed V55/5
6) V5 for donor car and Reciept for new body
On receipt of above we will allocate a new registration number, register and tax the vehicle for you.
I suppose that answers the question 'Do I need an MOT?' too.
Unfortunatly it all depends on local interpretation, I made up my Vin No and didnt need an MOT, and that was only 6 weeks ago. Best advise is to speek
to the person who is going to regester it and ask what docs they want.
No you should not need an MOT. I kept calling VOSA and DVLA about this. The vehicle should not need an MOT for the first 3 years after registartion regardless of donor age or otherwise. You only need an MOT on a production car 3 years after it was first registered, even though it may have sat in a field in Coventry for 2 years before it was registered, so at the moment the MOT has nothing to do with the date the car was built.
Hmm seems like different regions have different views... I spose the best course of action would be to ring my local DVLA office?
just buy a crashed mk indy change the colour and engine number when you change your details on the v5 and then put the number plate on your car
......... no mot or sva needed ....... top job !!!!!!
love woodster
Yes ring your local office but ask for the kit car expert, not some half wit paper shuffler.
Hang on! Have I missed something or does that list of Roadkills of six items not include an SVA?are they saying that they will register without an SVA ?
Just taken another look at the letter, and in between the lines (literally) of 1) and 2) there is 'SVA' written in pen.
Anyway ... I just thought I'd point out that I received a letter today from VOSA asking me to confirm the 16 digit number as it should be a 17
digit number. I've phoned the DVLA office and I'm waiting for them to get back to me.
Just checked my mobile's numbers and phoned the DVLA bloke direct and he's just given me the missing digit
Off to the post office.