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limiting steering lock
sebastiaan - 26/7/04 at 06:28 PM


Just put my front wings on and noticed the brake flexies are fouling on them (only just, but more then enough to fail the car on....)

I've heard of problems with the wing stays fouling the track rods, and that somebody made some kind of limiters on the rack. Does anybody have any pictures / drawing / other info on this?

just to be clear: my car is an Indy, with the MK shortened sierra rack


mad-butcher - 26/7/04 at 07:15 PM

i made a couple of 1/4 in washers out of ally the hole is the size of the rack the outer diameter is the same as the rack casing .. when on full lock it sits against the casing and the tie rod end hits it
sorry the mate borrowed my digi so no photo

Viper - 26/7/04 at 07:31 PM

or a couple of jubilee clips does the trick..

Hellfire - 27/7/04 at 11:22 AM


is it your brake flexis that are fouling or your track rod ends??

If its only your brake flexis, can you not twist the end where it goes through the side panel to keep it away from the wing?

sebastiaan - 27/7/04 at 02:37 PM

It's the flexies. Being a cheapskate, i've used landrover ones, and these have quite a long metal piece at the end that goes through the sidepanel. There's no way to change the flexies at this point without drilling new mounting holes in the side panels....

I think i'll try the "body a jubilee clip on" method for now. Sure these will misteriousely fall off somewhere in the near future ;-)

sebastiaan - 29/7/04 at 02:37 PM

Bodged some jubilee clips on last night. Worked a treat.

Thanks guys!

Now, for the other zillion things i need to fix before it's finished......