I have started stripping the donor engine i have which is a 2ltr pinto from a G reg sierra saphire, I have a couple of questions about the engine and
the half shafts so i can prepare them for fitment to my cahssis when it is ready, what is the bolt in the block (205) on the opposite side from the
dip stick for it seems to just go into the sump? I have taken the diff etc out I was wondering how difficult it is to remove-replace the cv boots and
if it is worth while if they look to be in good condition,
also is there a good way to get the drain plug out of the diff? also what is the best thing to do about the sump breather and the plate that is
rivited to block on the inside?
also is it normal to find paint on the valve springs and on the conrods and the pistons and conrods to be numbered?
1. what is the bolt in the block (205) on the opposite side from the dip stick for it seems to just go into the sump?
also is it normal to find paint on the valve springs and on the conrods and the pistons and conrods to be numbered?
could mean the engines been rebuilt at a time and someones just marked which piston is from which cylinder
i no some manufacturers do it from the factory but dont no if ford do
We put some new rings in my nephews 1.8 cvh and when we cleaned the piston tops we found some numbers on them. They weren't relevant to the cylinders
they were fitted to but seemed to be matched, 1 & 3 were 3 and 2 & 4 were 4's. I think it may be something to do with balance, that's my theory
yours, Pete.