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remote brake resovoirs
evo3500 - 26/8/04 at 07:29 PM

Can anybody help I am building an mkgt1.I already have with the kit some willwood brake cylinders they have remote resovoirs,and some ford brake resovoir caps complete with warning test button,but i am having problems locating small resovoirs to take the small ford brake resovoir caps,I can get the larger 65mm resovoirs easily but dont Know where to get caps from to fit.that have a brake test warning button has anybody had this problem before ?
If so can you let me now what i need and where i can get it from thanks.


marc n - 26/8/04 at 09:09 PM

think bmw ones are the correct size



evo3500 - 27/8/04 at 07:52 PM

Looks like a trip to the
scrapyard then or to the Ford or Renault dealers,at least ive got some ideas now.
Engine is running cooling system is done,
finishing brakes next ,then lights,then exhaust, then can go for little drive up the backins. Will post some more pictures soon as it get more finished.
Thanks for the info.

Cheers Simon