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MK Indy Cycle Wings/Brackets
Peter Cowley - 6/2/13 at 10:33 PM

Hi All,

I bought a new set of latest mk indy cycle wings off one of you guys on here last year.

They are the latest type with the 2 bumps on the inside, unlike the old ones on my indy which are smooth.

I have just got round to think about fitting them now, and taken a good look at them, and I think they need different wing brackets.

couple of questions :-
1) are the brackets different for the latest cycle wings
2) if they are different, how much do they cost from MK ?

Any help would be much appreciated.



danny keenan - 6/2/13 at 11:02 PM

Hi they are all the same the fit both types of wings.
If you like MK Sportscars Facebook page I will put you a picture on the in the morning of how we bend them


Peter Cowley - 6/2/13 at 11:04 PM

sounds good to me.....will like the page now !!!!!


Peter Cowley - 6/2/13 at 11:07 PM

I have 'liked' your FB page.......!!!!